Source code for CPAC.nuisance.utils

import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

import nipype.interfaces.ants as ants
import nipype.interfaces.fsl as fsl
import nipype.interfaces.utility as util
from CPAC.pipeline import nipype_pipeline_engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import afni

from CPAC.nuisance.utils.compcor import calc_compcor_components
from CPAC.nuisance.utils.crc import encode as crc_encode
from CPAC.utils.interfaces.function import Function
from CPAC.registration.utils import check_transforms, generate_inverse_transform_flags

[docs]def find_offending_time_points(fd_j_file_path=None, fd_p_file_path=None, dvars_file_path=None, fd_j_threshold=None, fd_p_threshold=None, dvars_threshold=None, number_of_previous_trs_to_censor=0, number_of_subsequent_trs_to_censor=0): """ Applies criterion in method to find time points whose FD or DVARS (or both) are above threshold. :param fd_j_file_path: path to TSV containing framewise displacement as a single column. If not specified, it will not be used. :param fd_p_file_path: path to TSV containing framewise displacement as a single column. If not specified, it will not be used. :param dvars_file_path: path to TSV containing DVARS as a single column. If not specified, it will not be used. :param fd_j_threshold: threshold to apply to framewise displacement (Jenkinson), it can be a value such as 0.2 or a floating point multiple of the standard deviation specified as, e.g. '1.5SD'. :param fd_p_threshold: threshold to apply to framewise displacement (Power), it can be a value such as 0.2 or a floating point multiple of the standard deviation specified as, e.g. '1.5SD'. :param dvars_threshold: threshold to apply to DVARS, can be a value such as 0.5 or a floating point multiple of the standard deviation specified as, e.g. '1.5SD'. :param number_of_previous_trs_to_censor: extent of censorship window before the censor. :param number_of_subsequent_trs_to_censor: extent of censorship window after the censor. :return: File path to TSV file containing the volumes to be censored. """ import numpy as np import os import re offending_time_points = set() time_course_len = 0 types = ['FDJ', 'FDP', 'DVARS'] file_paths = [fd_j_file_path, fd_p_file_path, dvars_file_path] thresholds = [fd_j_threshold, fd_p_threshold, dvars_threshold] #types = ['FDP', 'DVARS'] #file_paths = [fd_p_file_path, dvars_file_path] #thresholds = [fd_p_threshold, dvars_threshold] for type, file_path, threshold in zip(types, file_paths, thresholds): if not file_path: continue if not os.path.isfile(file_path): raise ValueError( "File {0} could not be found." .format(file_path) ) if not threshold: raise ValueError("Method requires the specification of a threshold, none received") metric = np.loadtxt(file_path) if type == 'DVARS': metric = np.array([0.0] + metric.tolist()) if not time_course_len: time_course_len = metric.shape[0] else: assert time_course_len == metric.shape[0], "Threshold metric files does not have same size." try: threshold_sd = \ re.match(r"([0-9]*\.*[0-9]*)\s*SD", str(threshold)) if threshold_sd: threshold_sd = float(threshold_sd.groups()[0]) threshold = metric.mean() + \ threshold_sd * metric.std() else: threshold = float(threshold) except: raise ValueError("Could not translate threshold {0} into a " "meaningful value".format(threshold)) offending_time_points |= \ set(np.where(metric > threshold)[0].tolist()) extended_censors = [] for censor in offending_time_points: extended_censors += list(range( (censor - number_of_previous_trs_to_censor), (censor + number_of_subsequent_trs_to_censor + 1))) extended_censors = [ censor for censor in np.unique(extended_censors) if 0 <= censor < time_course_len ] censor_vector = np.ones((time_course_len, 1)) censor_vector[extended_censors] = 0 out_file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "censors.tsv") np.savetxt( out_file_path, censor_vector, fmt='%d', header='censor', comments='' ) return out_file_path
def compute_threshold(in_file, mask, threshold): return threshold def compute_pct_threshold(in_file, mask, threshold_pct): import nibabel as nb import numpy as np m = nb.load(mask).get_data().astype(bool) if not np.any(m): return 0.0 d = nb.load(in_file).get_data()[m] return np.percentile( d, 100.0 - threshold_pct ) def compute_sd_threshold(in_file, mask, threshold_sd): import nibabel as nb import numpy as np m = nb.load(mask).get_data().astype(bool) if not np.any(m): return 0.0 d = nb.load(in_file).get_data()[m] return d.mean() + threshold_sd * d.std() def temporal_variance_mask(threshold, by_slice=False, erosion=False, degree=1): threshold_method = "VAR" if isinstance(threshold, str): regex_match = { "SD": r"([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)\s*SD", "PCT": r"([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)\s*PCT", } for method, regex in regex_match.items(): matched = re.match(regex, threshold) if matched: threshold_method = method threshold_value = matched.groups()[0] try: threshold_value = float(threshold_value) except: raise ValueError("Error converting threshold value {0} from {1} to a " "floating point number. The threshold value can " "contain SD or PCT for selecting a threshold based on " "the variance distribution, otherwise it should be a " "floating point number.".format(threshold_value, threshold)) if threshold_value < 0: raise ValueError("Threshold value should be positive, instead of {0}." .format(threshold_value)) if threshold_method is "PCT" and threshold_value >= 100.0: raise ValueError("Percentile should be less than 100, received {0}." .format(threshold_value)) threshold = threshold_value wf = pe.Workflow(name='tcompcor') input_node = pe.Node(util.IdentityInterface(fields=['functional_file_path', 'mask_file_path']), name='inputspec') output_node = pe.Node(util.IdentityInterface(fields=['mask']), name='outputspec') # C-PAC default performs linear regression while nipype performs quadratic regression detrend = pe.Node(afni.Detrend(args='-polort {0}'.format(degree), outputtype='NIFTI'), name='detrend') wf.connect(input_node, 'functional_file_path', detrend, 'in_file') std = pe.Node(afni.TStat(args='-nzstdev', outputtype='NIFTI'), name='std') wf.connect(input_node, 'mask_file_path', std, 'mask') wf.connect(detrend, 'out_file', std, 'in_file') var = pe.Node(afni.Calc(expr='a*a', outputtype='NIFTI'), name='var') wf.connect(std, 'out_file', var, 'in_file_a') if by_slice: slices = pe.Node(fsl.Slice(), name='slicer') wf.connect(var, 'out_file', slices, 'in_file') mask_slices = pe.Node(fsl.Slice(), name='mask_slicer') wf.connect(input_node, 'mask_file_path', mask_slices, 'in_file') mapper = pe.MapNode(util.IdentityInterface(fields=['out_file', 'mask_file']), name='slice_mapper', iterfield=['out_file', 'mask_file']) wf.connect(slices, 'out_files', mapper, 'out_file') wf.connect(mask_slices, 'out_files', mapper, 'mask_file') else: mapper_list = pe.Node(util.Merge(1), name='slice_mapper_list') wf.connect(var, 'out_file', mapper_list, 'in1') mask_mapper_list = pe.Node(util.Merge(1), name='slice_mask_mapper_list') wf.connect(input_node, 'mask_file_path', mask_mapper_list, 'in1') mapper = pe.Node(util.IdentityInterface(fields=['out_file', 'mask_file']), name='slice_mapper') wf.connect(mapper_list, 'out', mapper, 'out_file') wf.connect(mask_mapper_list, 'out', mapper, 'mask_file') if threshold_method is "PCT": threshold_node = pe.MapNode(Function(input_names=['in_file', 'mask', 'threshold_pct'], output_names=['threshold'], function=compute_pct_threshold, as_module=True), name='threshold_value', iterfield=['in_file', 'mask']) threshold_node.inputs.threshold_pct = threshold_value wf.connect(mapper, 'out_file', threshold_node, 'in_file') wf.connect(mapper, 'mask_file', threshold_node, 'mask') elif threshold_method is "SD": threshold_node = pe.MapNode(Function(input_names=['in_file', 'mask', 'threshold_sd'], output_names=['threshold'], function=compute_sd_threshold, as_module=True), name='threshold_value', iterfield=['in_file', 'mask']) threshold_node.inputs.threshold_sd = threshold_value wf.connect(mapper, 'out_file', threshold_node, 'in_file') wf.connect(mapper, 'mask_file', threshold_node, 'mask') else: threshold_node = pe.MapNode(Function(input_names=['in_file', 'mask', 'threshold'], output_names=['threshold'], function=compute_threshold, as_module=True), name='threshold_value', iterfield=['in_file', 'mask']) threshold_node.inputs.threshold = threshold_value wf.connect(mapper, 'out_file', threshold_node, 'in_file') wf.connect(mapper, 'mask_file', threshold_node, 'mask') threshold_mask = pe.MapNode(interface=fsl.maths.Threshold(), name='threshold', iterfield=['in_file', 'thresh']) threshold_mask.inputs.args = '-bin' wf.connect(mapper, 'out_file', threshold_mask, 'in_file') wf.connect(threshold_node, 'threshold', threshold_mask, 'thresh') merge_slice_masks = pe.Node(interface=fsl.Merge(), name='merge_slice_masks') merge_slice_masks.inputs.dimension = 'z' wf.connect( threshold_mask, 'out_file', merge_slice_masks, 'in_files' ) wf.connect(merge_slice_masks, 'merged_file', output_node, 'mask') return wf
[docs]def generate_summarize_tissue_mask(nuisance_wf, pipeline_resource_pool, regressor_descriptor, regressor_selector, use_ants=True, ventricle_mask_exist=True, all_bold=False): """ Add tissue mask generation into pipeline according to the selector. :param nuisance_wf: Nuisance regressor workflow. :param pipeline_resource_pool: dictionary of available resources. :param regressor_descriptor: dictionary of steps to build, including keys: 'tissue', 'resolution', 'erosion' :param regressor_selector: dictionary with the original selector :return: the full path of the 3D nifti file containing the mask created by this operation. """ steps = [ key for key in ['tissue', 'resolution', 'erosion'] if key in regressor_descriptor ] full_mask_key = "_".join( regressor_descriptor[s] for s in steps ) for step_i, step in enumerate(steps): mask_key = "_".join( regressor_descriptor[s] for s in steps[:step_i+1] ) if mask_key in pipeline_resource_pool: continue node_mask_key = re.sub(r"[^\w]", "_", mask_key) prev_mask_key = "_".join( regressor_descriptor[s] for s in steps[:step_i] ) if step == 'tissue': pass elif step == 'resolution': if all_bold: pass mask_to_epi = pe.Node(interface=fsl.FLIRT(), name='{}_flirt' .format(node_mask_key), mem_gb=3.63, mem_x=(3767129957844731 / 1208925819614629174706176, 'in_file')) mask_to_epi.inputs.interp = 'nearestneighbour' if regressor_selector['extraction_resolution'] == "Functional": # apply anat2func matrix mask_to_epi.inputs.apply_xfm = True mask_to_epi.inputs.output_type = 'NIFTI_GZ' nuisance_wf.connect(*( pipeline_resource_pool['Functional_mean'] + (mask_to_epi, 'reference') )) nuisance_wf.connect(*( pipeline_resource_pool['Transformations']['anat_to_func_linear_xfm'] + (mask_to_epi, 'in_matrix_file') )) else: resolution = regressor_selector['extraction_resolution'] mask_to_epi.inputs.apply_isoxfm = resolution nuisance_wf.connect(*( pipeline_resource_pool['Anatomical_{}mm' .format(resolution)] + (mask_to_epi, 'reference') )) nuisance_wf.connect(*( pipeline_resource_pool[prev_mask_key] + (mask_to_epi, 'in_file') )) pipeline_resource_pool[mask_key] = \ (mask_to_epi, 'out_file') if full_mask_key.startswith('CerebrospinalFluid'): pipeline_resource_pool = generate_summarize_tissue_mask_ventricles_masking( nuisance_wf, pipeline_resource_pool, regressor_descriptor, regressor_selector, node_mask_key, use_ants, ventricle_mask_exist ) elif step == 'erosion': erode_mask_node = pe.Node( afni.Calc(args='-b a+i -c a-i -d a+j -e a-j -f a+k -g a-k', expr='a*(1-amongst(0,b,c,d,e,f,g))', outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='{}'.format(node_mask_key) ) nuisance_wf.connect(*( pipeline_resource_pool[prev_mask_key] + (erode_mask_node, 'in_file_a') )) pipeline_resource_pool[mask_key] = \ (erode_mask_node, 'out_file') return pipeline_resource_pool, full_mask_key
def generate_summarize_tissue_mask_ventricles_masking(nuisance_wf, pipeline_resource_pool, regressor_descriptor, regressor_selector, mask_key, use_ants=True, ventricle_mask_exist=True): # Mask CSF with Ventricles if '{}_Unmasked'.format(mask_key) not in pipeline_resource_pool: # reduce CSF mask to the lateral ventricles mask_csf_with_lat_ven = pe.Node(interface=afni.Calc(outputtype='NIFTI_GZ'), name='{}_Ventricles'.format(mask_key)) mask_csf_with_lat_ven.inputs.expr = 'a*b' mask_csf_with_lat_ven.inputs.out_file = 'csf_lat_ven_mask.nii.gz' if ventricle_mask_exist : ventricles_key = 'VentriclesToAnat' if 'resolution' in regressor_descriptor: ventricles_key += '_{}'.format(regressor_descriptor['resolution']) if ventricles_key not in pipeline_resource_pool: transforms = pipeline_resource_pool['Transformations'] if use_ants is True: # perform the transform using ANTS collect_linear_transforms = pe.Node(util.Merge(3), name='{}_ants_transforms'.format(ventricles_key)) nuisance_wf.connect(*(transforms['mni_to_anat_linear_xfm'] + (collect_linear_transforms, 'in1'))) # generate inverse transform flags, which depends on the number of transforms inverse_transform_flags = pe.Node(util.Function(input_names=['transform_list'], output_names=['inverse_transform_flags'], function=generate_inverse_transform_flags), name='{0}_inverse_transform_flags'.format(ventricles_key)) nuisance_wf.connect(collect_linear_transforms, 'out', inverse_transform_flags, 'transform_list') lat_ven_mni_to_anat = pe.Node( interface=ants.ApplyTransforms(), name='{}_ants'.format(ventricles_key), mem_gb=0.683, mem_x=(3811976743057169 / 302231454903657293676544, 'input_image')) lat_ven_mni_to_anat.inputs.interpolation = 'NearestNeighbor' lat_ven_mni_to_anat.inputs.dimension = 3 nuisance_wf.connect(inverse_transform_flags, 'inverse_transform_flags', lat_ven_mni_to_anat, 'invert_transform_flags') nuisance_wf.connect(collect_linear_transforms, 'out', lat_ven_mni_to_anat, 'transforms') nuisance_wf.connect(*(pipeline_resource_pool['Ventricles'] + (lat_ven_mni_to_anat, 'input_image'))) nuisance_wf.connect(*(pipeline_resource_pool[mask_key] + (lat_ven_mni_to_anat, 'reference_image'))) pipeline_resource_pool[ventricles_key] = (lat_ven_mni_to_anat, 'output_image') else: # perform the transform using FLIRT lat_ven_mni_to_anat = pe.Node(interface=fsl.ApplyWarp(), name='{}_fsl_applywarp'.format(ventricles_key)) lat_ven_mni_to_anat.inputs.interp = 'nn' nuisance_wf.connect(*(transforms['mni_to_anat_linear_xfm'] + (lat_ven_mni_to_anat, 'field_file'))) nuisance_wf.connect(*(pipeline_resource_pool['Ventricles'] + (lat_ven_mni_to_anat, 'in_file'))) nuisance_wf.connect(*(pipeline_resource_pool[mask_key] + (lat_ven_mni_to_anat, 'ref_file'))) pipeline_resource_pool[ventricles_key] = (lat_ven_mni_to_anat, 'out_file') nuisance_wf.connect(*(pipeline_resource_pool[ventricles_key] + (mask_csf_with_lat_ven, 'in_file_a'))) nuisance_wf.connect(*(pipeline_resource_pool[mask_key] + (mask_csf_with_lat_ven, 'in_file_b'))) pipeline_resource_pool['{}_Unmasked'.format(mask_key)] = pipeline_resource_pool[mask_key] pipeline_resource_pool[mask_key] = (mask_csf_with_lat_ven, 'out_file') else : pipeline_resource_pool['{}_Unmasked'.format(mask_key)] = pipeline_resource_pool[mask_key] return pipeline_resource_pool class NuisanceRegressor(object): def __init__(self, selector): self.selector = selector if 'Bandpass' in self.selector: s = self.selector['Bandpass'] if type(s) is not dict or \ (not s.get('bottom_frequency') and not s.get('top_frequency')): del self.selector['Bandpass'] def get(self, key, default=None): return self.selector.get(key, default) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.selector def __getitem__(self, key): return self.selector[key] @staticmethod def _derivative_params(selector): nr_repr = '' if not selector: return nr_repr if selector.get('include_squared'): nr_repr += 'S' if selector.get('include_delayed'): nr_repr += 'D' if selector.get('include_delayed_squared'): nr_repr += 'B' if selector.get('include_backdiff'): nr_repr += 'V' if selector.get('include_backdiff_squared'): nr_repr += 'C' return nr_repr @staticmethod def _summary_params(selector): summ = selector['summary'] methods = { 'PC': 'PC', 'DetrendPC': 'DPC', 'Mean': 'M', 'NormMean': 'NM', 'DetrendMean': 'DM', 'DetrendNormMean': 'DNM', } if type(summ) == dict: method = summ['method'] rep = methods[method] if method in ['DetrendPC', 'PC']: rep += "%d" % summ['components'] else: rep = methods[summ] return rep @staticmethod def encode(selector): regs = OrderedDict([ ('GreyMatter', 'GM'), ('WhiteMatter', 'WM'), ('CerebrospinalFluid', 'CSF'), ('tCompCor', 'tC'), ('aCompCor', 'aC'), ('GlobalSignal', 'G'), ('Motion', 'M'), ('Custom', 'T'), ('PolyOrt', 'P'), ('Bandpass', 'BP'), ('Censor', 'C') ]) tissues = ['GreyMatter', 'WhiteMatter', 'CerebrospinalFluid'] selectors_representations = [] # tC-1.5PT-PC5S-SDB # aC-WC-2mmE-PC5-SDB # WM-2mmE-PC5-SDB # CSF-2mmE-M-SDB # GM-2mmE-DNM-SDB # G-PC5-SDB # M-SDB # C-S-FD1.5SD-D1.5SD # P-2 # B-T0.01-B0.1 for r in regs.keys(): if r not in selector: continue s = selector[r] pieces = [regs[r]] if r in tissues: if s.get('extraction_resolution') and s['extraction_resolution'] != 'Functional': res = "%.2gmm" % s['extraction_resolution'] if s.get('erode_mask'): res += 'E' pieces += [res] pieces += [NuisanceRegressor._summary_params(s)] pieces += [NuisanceRegressor._derivative_params(s)] elif r == 'tCompCor': threshold = "" if s.get('by_slice'): threshold += 'S' t = s.get('threshold') if t: if type(t) != str: t = "%.2f" % t threshold += t if s.get('erode_mask'): threshold += 'E' if s.get('degree'): d = s.get('degree') threshold += str(d) pieces += [threshold] pieces += [NuisanceRegressor._summary_params(s)] pieces += [NuisanceRegressor._derivative_params(s)] elif r == 'aCompCor': if s.get('tissues'): pieces += ["+".join([regs[t] for t in sorted(s['tissues'])])] if s.get('extraction_resolution'): res = "%.2gmm" % s['extraction_resolution'] if s.get('erode_mask'): res += 'E' pieces += [res] pieces += [NuisanceRegressor._summary_params(s)] pieces += [NuisanceRegressor._derivative_params(s)] elif r == 'Custom': for ss in s: pieces += [ os.path.basename(ss['file'])[0:5] + crc_encode(ss['file']) ] elif r == 'GlobalSignal': pieces += [NuisanceRegressor._summary_params(s)] pieces += [NuisanceRegressor._derivative_params(s)] elif r == 'Motion': pieces += [NuisanceRegressor._derivative_params(s)] elif r == 'PolyOrt': pieces += ['%d' % s['degree']] elif r == 'Bandpass': if s.get('bottom_frequency'): pieces += ['B%.2g' % s['bottom_frequency']] if s.get('top_frequency'): pieces += ['T%.2g' % s['top_frequency']] elif r == 'Censor': censoring = { 'Kill': 'K', 'Zero': 'Z', 'Interpolate': 'I', 'SpikeRegression': 'S', } thresholds = { 'FD_J': 'FD-J', 'FD_P': 'FD-P', 'DVARS': 'DV', } pieces += [censoring[s['method']]] trs_range = ['0', '0'] if s.get('number_of_previous_trs_to_censor'): trs_range[0] = '%d' % s['number_of_previous_trs_to_censor'] if s.get('number_of_subsequent_trs_to_censor'): trs_range[1] = '%d' % s['number_of_subsequent_trs_to_censor'] pieces += ['+'.join(trs_range)] threshs = sorted(s['thresholds'], reverse=True, key=lambda d: d['type']) for st in threshs: thresh = thresholds[st['type']] if type(st['value']) == str: thresh += st['value'] else: thresh += "%.2g" % st['value'] pieces += [thresh] selectors_representations += ['-'.join([_f for _f in pieces if _f])] return "_".join(selectors_representations) def __repr__(self): return NuisanceRegressor.encode(self.selector)