Source code for CPAC.pipeline.nipype_pipeline_engine.engine

'''Module to import Nipype Pipeline engine and override some Classes.
for C-PAC-specific documentation.
for Nipype's documentation.
'''  # noqa E501
import os
import re
from inspect import Parameter, Signature, signature
from nibabel import load
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.pipeline.engine.utils import load_resultfile as _load_resultfile
from numpy import prod
from traits.trait_base import Undefined
from traits.trait_handlers import TraitListObject

# set global default mem_gb
UNDEFINED_SIZE = int(8.9e7)

def _doctest_skiplines(docstring, lines_to_skip):
    Function to add '  # doctest: +SKIP' to the end of docstring lines
    to skip in imported docstrings.

    docstring : str

    lines_to_skip : set or list

    docstring : str

    >>> _doctest_skiplines('skip this line', {'skip this line'})
    'skip this line  # doctest: +SKIP'
    if (
        not isinstance(lines_to_skip, set) and
        not isinstance(lines_to_skip, list)
        raise TypeError(
            '_doctest_skiplines: `lines_to_skip` must be a set or list.')

    return '\n'.join([
        f'{line}  # doctest: +SKIP' if line in lines_to_skip else line
        for line in docstring.split('\n')

[docs]class Node(pe.Node): __doc__ = _doctest_skiplines( pe.Node.__doc__, {" >>> realign.inputs.in_files = 'functional.nii'"} )
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEM_GB, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, mem_gb=mem_gb, **kwargs) if 'mem_x' in kwargs: setattr(self, '_mem_x', kwargs['mem_x'])
orig_sig_params = list(signature(pe.Node).parameters.items()) __init__.__signature__ = Signature(parameters=[ p[1] if p[0] != 'mem_gb' else ( 'mem_gb', Parameter('mem_gb', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, default=DEFAULT_MEM_GB) )[1] for p in orig_sig_params[:-1]] + [ Parameter('mem_x', Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY), orig_sig_params[-1][1] ]) __init__.__doc__ = re.sub(r'(?<!\s):', ' :', '\n'.join([ pe.Node.__init__.__doc__.rstrip(), ''' mem_gb : int or float Estimate (in GB) of constant memory to allocate for this node. mem_x : 2-tuple (``multiplier``, ``input_file``) (int or float, str) **Note** This parameter (``mem_x``) is likely to change in a future release as we incorporate more factors into memory estimates. See also: `⚡️ Setting data- and operation-dependent memory-estimates <>`_ GitHub epic of issues related to improving Node memory estimates based on the data and operations involved. Multiplier for memory allocation such that ``multiplier`` times x * y * z * t of 4-D file at ``input_file`` plus ``self._mem_gb`` equals the total memory allocation for the node. ``input_file`` can be a Node input string or an actual path.'''])) # noqa E501 @property def mem_gb(self): """Get estimated memory (GB)""" if hasattr(self._interface, "estimated_memory_gb"): from nipype import logging logger = logging.getLogger("nipype.workflow") self._mem_gb = self._interface.estimated_memory_gb logger.warning( 'Setting "estimated_memory_gb" on Interfaces has been ' "deprecated as of nipype 1.0, please use Node.mem_gb." ) if hasattr(self, '_mem_x'): if not isinstance(self._mem_x, tuple): self._mem_x = (self._mem_x, ) if len(self._mem_x) == 1: return self._apply_mem_x() try: mem_x_path = getattr(self.inputs, self._mem_x[1]) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError( f'{e.args[0]} in Node \'{}\'') from e if self._check_mem_x_path(mem_x_path): # constant + mem_x[0] * t return self._apply_mem_x(mem_x_path) raise FileNotFoundError(2, 'The memory estimate for Node ' f"'{}' depends on the input " f"'{self._mem_x[1]}' but no such file or " 'directory', mem_x_path) return self._mem_gb def _check_mem_x_path(self, mem_x_path): '''Method to check if a supplied multiplicand path exists. Parameters ---------- mem_x_path : str, iterable, Undefined or None Returns ------- bool ''' mem_x_path = self._grab_first_path(mem_x_path) try: return mem_x_path is not Undefined and os.path.exists( mem_x_path) except (TypeError, ValueError): return False def _grab_first_path(self, mem_x_path): '''Method to grab the first path if multiple paths for given multiplicand input Parameters ---------- mem_x_path : str, iterable, Undefined or None Returns ------- str, Undefined or None ''' if ( isinstance(mem_x_path, list) or isinstance(mem_x_path, TraitListObject) or isinstance(mem_x_path, tuple) ): mem_x_path = mem_x_path[0] if len(mem_x_path) else Undefined return mem_x_path def _apply_mem_x(self, multiplicand=None): '''Method to calculate and memoize a Node's estimated memory footprint. Parameters ---------- multiplicand : str, int or None Returns ------- number estimated memory usage (GB) ''' if hasattr(self, '_mem_x'): if not isinstance(multiplicand, int): if self._check_mem_x_path(multiplicand): multiplicand = get_data_size( self._grab_first_path(multiplicand)) self._mem_gb = self._mem_gb + self._mem_x[0] * multiplicand del self._mem_x return self._mem_gb @property def mem_x(self): """Get (memory multiplier, input file) tuple. Returns ``None`` if already consumed or not set.""" if hasattr(self, '_mem_x'): return self._mem_x return None
[docs]class MapNode(Node, pe.MapNode): __doc__ = _doctest_skiplines( pe.MapNode.__doc__, {" ... 'functional3.nii']"} )
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
__init__.__signature__ = Signature(parameters=[ p[1] if p[0] != 'mem_gb' else ( 'mem_gb', Parameter('mem_gb', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, default=DEFAULT_MEM_GB) )[1] for p in signature(pe.Node).parameters.items()])
[docs]class Workflow(pe.Workflow): def _configure_exec_nodes(self, graph): """Ensure that each node knows where to get inputs from""" for node in graph.nodes(): node.input_source = {} for edge in graph.in_edges(node): data = graph.get_edge_data(*edge) for sourceinfo, field in data["connect"]: node.input_source[field] = ( os.path.join(edge[0].output_dir(), "result_%s.pklz" % edge[0].name), sourceinfo, ) if node and hasattr(node, 'mem_x'): if isinstance( node.mem_x, tuple ) and node.mem_x[1] == field: input_resultfile = node.input_source.get(field) if input_resultfile: if isinstance(input_resultfile, tuple): input_resultfile = input_resultfile[0] try: # memoize node._mem_gb if path # already exists multiplicand_path = _load_resultfile( input_resultfile ).inputs['in_file'] node._apply_mem_x(multiplicand_path) except FileNotFoundError: if hasattr(self, '_largest_func'): node._apply_mem_x(self._largest_func) else: # TODO: handle S3 files # 1e8 is a small estimate node._apply_mem_x(UNDEFINED_SIZE)
def get_data_size(filepath): """Function to return the size of a functional image (x * y * z * t) Parameters ---------- filepath : str or path Returns ------- int """ return prod(load(filepath).shape)