Usage: cpac run

$ cpac run --help

Loading 🐳 Docker
Loading 🐳 fcpindi/c-pac:latest with these directory bindings:
  local                         Docker                mode
  ----------------------------  --------------------  ------
  /home/circleci/build          /home/circleci/build  rw
  /home/circleci/build          /tmp                  rw
  /home/circleci/build/log      /crash                rw
  /home/circleci/build/outputs  /output               rw
Logging messages will refer to the Docker paths.

usage: [-h] [--pipeline_file PIPELINE_FILE] [--group_file GROUP_FILE]
              [--data_config_file DATA_CONFIG_FILE] [--preconfig PRECONFIG]
              [--aws_input_creds AWS_INPUT_CREDS]
              [--aws_output_creds AWS_OUTPUT_CREDS] [--n_cpus N_CPUS]
              [--mem_mb MEM_MB] [--mem_gb MEM_GB]
              [--save_working_dir [SAVE_WORKING_DIR]] [--disable_file_logging]
              [--participant_label PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]]
              [--participant_ndx PARTICIPANT_NDX] [-v]
              [--bids_validator_config BIDS_VALIDATOR_CONFIG]
              [--skip_bids_validator] [--anat_only] [--tracking_opt-out]
              bids_dir output_dir {participant,group,test_config,cli}

C-PAC Pipeline Runner

positional arguments:
  bids_dir              The directory with the input dataset formatted
                        according to the BIDS standard. Use the format
                        s3://bucket/path/to/bidsdir to read data directly from
                        an S3 bucket. This may require AWS S3 credentials
                        specified via the --aws_input_creds option.
  output_dir            The directory where the output files should be stored.
                        If you are running group level analysis this folder
                        should be prepopulated with the results of the
                        participant level analysis. Use the format
                        s3://bucket/path/to/bidsdir to write data directly to
                        an S3 bucket. This may require AWS S3 credentials
                        specified via the --aws_output_creds option.
                        Level of the analysis that will be performed. Multiple
                        participant level analyses can be run independently
                        (in parallel) using the same output_dir. test_config
                        will run through the entire configuration process but
                        will not execute the pipeline.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pipeline_file PIPELINE_FILE
                        Path for the pipeline configuration file to use. Use
                        the format s3://bucket/path/to/pipeline_file to read
                        data directly from an S3 bucket. This may require AWS
                        S3 credentials specified via the --aws_input_creds
  --group_file GROUP_FILE
                        Path for the group analysis configuration file to use.
                        Use the format s3://bucket/path/to/pipeline_file to
                        read data directly from an S3 bucket. This may require
                        AWS S3 credentials specified via the --aws_input_creds
                        option. The output directory needs to refer to the
                        output of a preprocessing individual pipeline.
  --data_config_file DATA_CONFIG_FILE
                        Yaml file containing the location of the data that is
                        to be processed. Can be generated from the CPAC gui.
                        This file is not necessary if the data in bids_dir is
                        organized according to the BIDS format. This enables
                        support for legacy data organization and cloud based
                        storage. A bids_dir must still be specified when using
                        this option, but its value will be ignored. Use the
                        format s3://bucket/path/to/data_config_file to read
                        data directly from an S3 bucket. This may require AWS
                        S3 credentials specified via the --aws_input_creds
  --preconfig PRECONFIG
                        Name of the pre-configured pipeline to run.
  --aws_input_creds AWS_INPUT_CREDS
                        Credentials for reading from S3. If not provided and
                        s3 paths are specified in the data config we will try
                        to access the bucket anonymously use the string "env"
                        to indicate that input credentials should read from
                        the environment. (E.g. when using AWS iam roles).
  --aws_output_creds AWS_OUTPUT_CREDS
                        Credentials for writing to S3. If not provided and s3
                        paths are specified in the output directory we will
                        try to access the bucket anonymously use the string
                        "env" to indicate that output credentials should read
                        from the environment. (E.g. when using AWS iam roles).
  --n_cpus N_CPUS       Number of execution resources per participant
                        available for the pipeline. This flag takes precidence
                        over max_cores_per_participant in the pipeline
                        configuration file.
  --mem_mb MEM_MB       Amount of RAM available per participant in megabytes.
                        Included for compatibility with BIDS-Apps standard,
                        but mem_gb is preferred. This flag takes precedence
                        over maximum_memory_per_participant in the pipeline
                        configuration file.
  --mem_gb MEM_GB       Amount of RAM available per participant in gigabytes.
                        If this is specified along with mem_mb, this flag will
                        take precedence. This flag also takes precedence over
                        maximum_memory_per_participant in the pipeline
                        configuration file.
  --save_working_dir [SAVE_WORKING_DIR]
                        Save the contents of the working directory.
                        Disable file logging, this is useful for clusters that
                        have disabled file locking.
                        The label of the participant that should be analyzed.
                        The label corresponds to sub-<participant_label> from
                        the BIDS spec (so it does not include "sub-"). If this
                        parameter is not provided all participants should be
                        analyzed. Multiple participants can be specified with
                        a space separated list. To work correctly this should
                        come at the end of the command line.
  --participant_ndx PARTICIPANT_NDX
                        The index of the participant that should be analyzed.
                        This corresponds to the index of the participant in
                        the data config file. This was added to make it easier
                        to accommodate SGE array jobs. Only a single
                        participant will be analyzed. Can be used with
                        participant label, in which case it is the index into
                        the list that follows the participant_label flag. Use
                        the value "-1" to indicate that the participant index
                        should be read from the AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX
                        environment variable.
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --bids_validator_config BIDS_VALIDATOR_CONFIG
                        JSON file specifying configuration of bids-validator:
                        for more info.
                        Skips bids validation.
  --anat_only           run only the anatomical preprocessing
  --tracking_opt-out    Disable usage tracking. Only the number of
                        participants on the analysis is tracked.
  --monitoring          Enable monitoring server on port 8080. You need to
                        bind the port using the Docker flag "-p".