An atlas provides a guide to the location of anatomical features in a coordinate space.
—[1] p. 55
An atlas provides a defined coordinate space, a template for aligning images, and labels for regions of interest.
Currently C-PAC only supports atlases in NifTI format.
CIFTI is a popular atlas format not yet supported by C-PAC. As always, if anyone wants to share any tips or hacks with us, we are an open-source platform after all. Below are some resources that might help enable CIFTI atlas support in a future version of C-PAC.
CIFTI Resources
Mejia, M. 2015 August. A layman’s guide to working with CIFTI files, Mandy Mejia.
Habeeb, H. 2018 December. Convert from CIFTI2 (HCP) to 3D array, Neurostars.
Etzel, J. 2014 March. NIfTI, CIFTI, GIFTI in the HCP and Workbench: a primer, MVPA meanderings.