Source code for CPAC.utils.create_fsl_model

[docs]def load_pheno_file(pheno_file): import os import pandas as pd if not os.path.isfile(pheno_file): err = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: The group-level analysis phenotype file "\ "provided does not exist!\nPath provided: %s\n\n" \ % pheno_file raise Exception(err) with open(os.path.abspath(pheno_file),"r") as f: pheno_dataframe = pd.read_csv(f) return pheno_dataframe
[docs]def load_group_participant_list(group_participant_list_file): import os import pandas as pd if not os.path.isfile(group_participant_list_file): err = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: The group-level analysis subject list "\ "provided does not exist!\nPath provided: %s\n\n" \ % group_subject_list raise Exception(err) with open(group_participant_list_file,"r") as f: group_subs_dataframe = pd.read_csv(f) if "participant" not in ga_sublist.columns: err = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: Your group-level analysis subject "\ "list CSV is missing a 'participant' column.\n\n" raise Exception(err) return group_subs_dataframe
[docs]def process_pheno_file(pheno_file_dataframe, group_subs_dataframe, \ participant_id_label): # drops participants from the phenotype file if they are not in the group # analysis participant list # also handles sessions and series appropriately for repeated measures # input # pheno_file_dataframe: Pandas dataframe of the phenotype file # group_subs_dataframe: Pandas dataframe of the group analysis # participant list # participant_id_label: string of the name of the participant column in # the phenotype file # output # pheno_file_rows: a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary being # one of the rows from the phenotype file, with the # format of {header: value, header: value, ..} import os import pandas as pd if not isinstance(pheno_file_dataframe, pd.DataFrame): err = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: The phenotype information input should " \ "be a Python Pandas dataframe object.\n\n" raise Exception(err) if not isinstance(group_subs_dataframe, pd.DataFrame): err = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: The group analysis participant list input "\ "should be a Python Pandas dataframe object.\n\n" raise Exception(err) if not isinstance(participant_id_label, str): err = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: The participant ID label input should be " \ "a string.\n\n" pheno = pheno_file_dataframe pheno_file_rows = [] df_rows = [] # convert from dataframe to list and make those strings just in case subjects = list(group_subs_dataframe.participant) subjects = [str(i) for i in subjects] sessions = None series = None if "session" in group_subs_dataframe.columns: sessions = list(group_subs_dataframe.session) sessions = [str(i) for i in sessions] if "series" in group_subs_dataframe.columns: series = list(group_subs_dataframe.series) series = [str(i) for i in series] # use an integer for iteration because we're not sure if there will be # sessions and/or series for i in range(0,len(subjects)): full_id = [] subject = subjects[i] full_id.append(subject) if sessions and series: session = sessions[i] scan = series[i] full_id.append(session) full_id.append(scan) try: row = pheno[(pheno[participant_id_label] == subject) & \ (pheno.session == session) & \ (pheno.series == scan)] except: row = pheno[(pheno[participant_id_label] == int(subject)) & \ (pheno.session == session) & \ (pheno.series == scan)] elif sessions: session = sessions[i] full_id.append(session) try: row = pheno[(pheno[participant_id_label] == subject) & \ (pheno.session == session)] except: row = pheno[(pheno[participant_id_label] == int(subject)) & \ (pheno.session == session)] elif series: scan = series[i] full_id.append(scan) try: row = pheno[(pheno[participant_id_label] == subject) & \ (pheno.series == scan)] except: row = pheno[(pheno[participant_id_label] == int(subject)) & \ (pheno.series == scan)] else: full_id.append(subject) try: row = pheno[(pheno[participant_id_label] == subject)] except: row = pheno[(pheno[participant_id_label] == int(subject))] if len(row) > 1: err = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: Multiple phenotype entries were " \ "found for these criteria:\n\n%s\n\nPlease ensure " \ "your group analysis participant list and phenotype " \ "file are configured correctly.\n\n" % str(full_id) raise Exception(err) elif len(row) == 1: df_rows.append(row) new_pheno_df = pd.concat(df_rows) pheno_file_rows = new_pheno_df.to_dict("records") return pheno_file_rows
[docs]def create_pheno_dict(pheno_file_rows, ev_selections, participant_id_label): # creates the phenotype data dictionary in a format Patsy requires, # and also demeans the continuous EVs marked for demeaning # input # pheno_file_rows: a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary being # one of the rows from the phenotype file, with the # format of {header: value, header: value, ..} # ev_selections: a dictionary with keys for "categorical" and "demean", # with the entries being lists of phenotype EV names # participant_id_label: string of the name of the participant column in # the phenotype file # output # pheno_data_dict: a dictionary with each key being a phenotype column, # and each entry being a list of values, IN ORDER # data is also in Patsy-acceptable format import os import csv import numpy as np pheno_data_dict = {} for line in pheno_file_rows: for val in line.values(): # if there are any blank values in the pheno row, skip this # row. if not, continue on with the "else" clause if val == "": break else: for key in line.keys(): # if there are blank entries because of an empty row in # the CSV (such as ",,,,,"), move on to the next entry #if len(line[key]) == 0: # continue if key not in pheno_data_dict.keys(): pheno_data_dict[key] = [] # create a list within one of the dictionary values for # that EV if it is categorical; formats this list into a # form Patsy can understand regarding categoricals: # example: { ADHD: ['adhd1', 'adhd1', 'adhd0'] } # instead of just [1, 1, 0], etc. if 'categorical' in ev_selections.keys(): if key in ev_selections['categorical']: pheno_data_dict[key].append(key + str(line[key])) elif (key == subject_id_label) or (key == "session") or \ (key == "series"): pheno_data_dict[key].append(line[key]) else: pheno_data_dict[key].append(float(line[key])) elif (key == subject_id_label) or (key == "session") or \ (key == "series"): pheno_data_dict[key].append(line[key]) else: pheno_data_dict[key].append(float(line[key])) # this needs to run after each list in each key has been fully # populated above for key in pheno_data_dict.keys(): # demean the EVs marked for demeaning if 'demean' in ev_selections.keys(): if key in ev_selections['demean']: new_demeaned_evs = [] mean_evs = 0.0 # populate a dictionary, a key for each demeanable EV, with # the value being the sum of all the values (which need to be # converted to float first) for val in pheno_data_dict[key]: mean_evs += float(val) # calculate the mean of the current EV in this loop mean_evs = mean_evs / len(pheno_data_dict[key]) # remove the EV's mean from each value of this EV # (demean it!) for val in pheno_data_dict[key]: new_demeaned_evs.append(float(val) - mean_evs) # replace pheno_data_dict[key] = new_demeaned_evs # converts non-categorical EV lists into NumPy arrays # so that Patsy may read them in properly if 'categorical' in ev_selections.keys(): if key not in ev_selections['categorical']: pheno_data_dict[key] = np.array(pheno_data_dict[key]) return pheno_data_dict
[docs]def get_measure_dict(param_file): # load the CPAC-generated power parameters file and parse it # input # param_file: a full path to the CPAC-generated power parameters CSV # output # measure_dict: a dictionary of dictionaries in the following format # {"MeanFD_Power": {"participant_01": 15.43, # "participant_02": 13.22}, # "MeanFD_Jenkinson": {"participant_01": 18.55, # "participant_02": 16.27}, # ...} import os import pandas as pd if not os.path.isfile(param_file): err = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: You've included a motion parameter in " \ "your group-level analysis model design formula, but " \ "there is no motion parameters file available.\n\n" raise Exception(err) with open(param_file,"r") as f: motion_params = pd.read_csv(f, index_col=False) measures = ['MeanFD_Power', 'MeanFD_Jenkinson', 'MeanDVARS'] measure_dict = {} for m in measures: measure_map = {} if m in motion_params.columns: part_ids = list(motion_params["Subject"]) part_ids = [str(i) for i in part_ids] scan_ids = list(motion_params["Scan"]) scan_ids = [str(i) for i in scan_ids] measure_vals = list(motion_params[m]) measure_vals = [float(i) for i in measure_vals] for part_id, scan_id, measure_val in \ zip(part_ids, scan_ids, measure_vals): measure_map[(part_id,scan_id)] = measure_val measure_dict[m] = measure_map return measure_dict
[docs]def get_custom_roi_info(roi_means_dict): # check if roi_means_dict == None: err_string = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: The custom ROI means were not " \ "calculated properly during the group analysis " \ "model generation.\n\n" raise Exception(err_string) roi_num = len(roi_means_dict.values()[0]) # this will be a dictionary matching ROI regressor header labels with # the actual ROI dictionaries roi_dict_dict = {} # split the roi_means_dict from { subID: [mean1,mean2,mean3,..], ..} # to three dictionaries of { subID: mean1, .. }, { subID: mean2, .. }, # and so on for num in range(0,roi_num): label = "Custom_ROI_Mean_%d" % int(num+1) temp_roi_dict = {} for key in roi_means_dict.keys(): temp_roi_dict[key] = roi_means_dict[key][num-1] roi_dict_dict[label] = temp_roi_dict return roi_dict_dict
[docs]def model_group_var_separately(grouping_var, formula, pheno_data_dict, \ ev_selections, coding_scheme): if grouping_var == None or grouping_var not in formula: print('\n\n[!] CPAC says: Model group variances separately is ' \ 'enabled, but the grouping variable set is either set to ' \ 'None, or was not included in the model as one of the ' \ 'EVs.\n') print('Design formula: ', formula) print('Grouping variable: ', grouping_var, '\n\n') raise Exception # do this a little early for the grouping variable so that it doesn't # get in the way of doing this for the other EVs once they have the # grouping variable in their names if 'categorical' in ev_selections.keys(): for EV_name in ev_selections['categorical']: if EV_name == grouping_var: if coding_scheme == 'Treatment': formula = formula.replace(EV_name, 'C(' + EV_name + ')') elif coding_scheme == 'Sum': formula = formula.replace(EV_name, 'C(' + EV_name + \ ', Sum)') groupvar_levels = [] grouping_var_id_dict = {} idx = 0 for cat_ev_value in pheno_data_dict[grouping_var]: # here, each "cat_ev_value" will be one of the Patsy-format values # of the categorical EV that the user has selected as the grouping # variable, i.e. "sex1, sex1, sex0, sex1", etc.. # cat_ev_level is the level digit or label without the EV name # ex. sex1 becomes 1 cat_ev_level = str(cat_ev_value).replace(str(grouping_var), "") if cat_ev_level not in groupvar_levels: groupvar_levels.append(cat_ev_level) # groupvar_levels only keeps track of how many levels there are in # the grouping variable # populate this dict for creating the .grp file: try: grouping_var_id_dict[cat_ev_level].append(idx) except: grouping_var_id_dict[cat_ev_level] = [idx] idx += 1 split_EVs = {} for key in pheno_data_dict.keys(): # here, "key" is the name of each EV from the phenotype file, as # they are labeled in the phenotype file (not Patsy format) if (key in formula) and (key != grouping_var): # for the formula edit new_key_string = "" for level in groupvar_levels: # for the new split EV label groupvar_with_level = str(grouping_var) + str(level) new_key = key + "__" + groupvar_with_level # for the formula edit if new_key_string == "": new_key_string = new_key else: new_key_string = new_key_string + " + " + new_key split_EVs[new_key] = [] # for the formula as well if key in ev_selections["categorical"]: ev_selections["categorical"].append(new_key) for val, groupvar_val in zip(pheno_data_dict[key], \ pheno_data_dict[grouping_var]): if groupvar_with_level == groupvar_val: split_EVs[new_key].append(val) else: split_EVs[new_key].append(0) del pheno_data_dict[key] if key in ev_selections["categorical"]: ev_selections["categorical"].remove(key) # formula edit formula = formula.replace(key, new_key_string) # put split EVs into pheno data dict pheno_data_dict.update(split_EVs) # parse through ev_selections, find the categorical names within the # design formula and insert C(<name>, Sum) into the design formula # this is required for Patsy to process the categorical EVs # properly when generating the design matrix (this goes into the # .mat file) if 'categorical' in ev_selections.keys(): for EV_name in ev_selections['categorical']: if EV_name != grouping_var: if coding_scheme == 'Treatment': formula = formula.replace(EV_name, 'C(' + EV_name + ')') elif coding_scheme == 'Sum': formula = formula.replace(EV_name, 'C(' + EV_name + \ ', Sum)') # remove intercept when modeling group variances separately formula = formula + " - 1" return pheno_data_dict, formula, grouping_var_id_dict
[docs]def check_multicollinearity(matrix): import numpy as np print("\nChecking for multicollinearity in the model..") U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(matrix) max_singular = np.max(s) min_singular = np.min(s) print("Max singular: ", max_singular) print("Min singular: ", min_singular) print("Rank: ", np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix), "\n") if min_singular == 0: print('[!] CPAC warns: Detected multicollinearity in the ' \ 'computed group-level analysis model. Please double-' \ 'check your model design.\n\n') else: condition_number = float(max_singular)/float(min_singular) print("Condition number: %f\n\n" % condition_number) if condition_number > 30: print('[!] CPAC warns: Detected multicollinearity in the ' \ 'computed group-level analysis model. Please double-' \ 'check your model design.\n\n')
[docs]def write_mat_file(design_matrix, output_dir, model_name, \ depatsified_EV_names, current_output=None): import os import numpy as np dimx = None dimy = None if len(design_matrix.shape) == 1: dimy = 1 dimx = design_matrix.shape[0] else: dimx, dimy = design_matrix.shape ppstring = '/PPheights' for i in range(0, dimy): ppstring += '\t' + '%1.5e' %(1.0) ppstring += '\n' filename = model_name + ".mat" out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) with open(out_file, 'wt') as f: print('/NumWaves\t%d' %dimy, file=f) print('/NumPoints\t%d' %dimx, file=f) print(ppstring, file=f) # print labels for the columns - mainly for double-checking your model col_string = '\n' for col in depatsified_EV_names: col_string = col_string + col + '\t' print(col_string, '\n', file=f) print('/Matrix', file=f) np.savetxt(f, design_matrix, fmt='%1.5e', delimiter='\t')
[docs]def create_grp_file(design_matrix, grouping_var_id_dict, output_dir, \ model_name, current_output=None): import os import numpy as np dimx = None dimy = None if len(design_matrix.shape) == 1: dimy = 1 dimx = design_matrix.shape[0] else: dimx, dimy = design_matrix.shape design_matrix_ones = np.ones(dimx) if not (grouping_var_id_dict == None): i = 1 for key in sorted(grouping_var_id_dict.keys()): for index in grouping_var_id_dict[key]: design_matrix_ones[index] = i i += 1 filename = model_name + ".grp" out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) with open(out_file, "wt") as f: print('/NumWaves\t1', file=f) print('/NumPoints\t%d\n' %dimx, file=f) print('/Matrix', file=f) np.savetxt(f, design_matrix_ones, fmt='%d', delimiter='\t')
[docs]def create_design_matrix(pheno_file, ev_selections, formula, \ subject_id_label, sub_list=None, \ coding_scheme="Treatment", grouping_var=None, \ new_regressor_dict=None, roi_means_dict=None, \ output_dir=None, model_name="design", \ current_output=None): # this should allow the user to easily create a FLAMEO-formatted .mat file # and .grp file from the command line or from within CPAC # input # pheno_file: full path to a CSV file with the phenotypic data # # ev_selections: a Python dictionary of two lists denoting which EVs are # categorical, and which should be demeaned # format - {"categorical": ["dx_group", "sex"], # "demean": ["age"]} # # formula: a string with the Patsy-format design matrix formula # more info here: # # # subject_id_label: a string denoting the header label of the subject ID # column in the phenotype CSV file # # sub_list: (optional) full path to a CSV file containing the # participant IDs, and optionally session and/or series IDs # that you want included from the phenotypic file # NOTE: if not provided, all rows from phenotypic are included # in the model # # coding_scheme: (optional) which encoding scheme Patsy should use when # creating the design matrix - "Treatment" (default) or # "Sum" # # grouping_var: (optional) the grouping variable to use if modeling # group variances separately # # new_regressor_dict: (optional) a Python dictionary containing other # dictionaries of subject IDs matched to the values # of each new regressor # format - {"MeanFD": {"sub001": 0.493, # "sub002": 0.211,}, # "Measure_Mean": {"sub001": 0.193, # "sub002": 0.392}, # ..} # # roi_means_dict: (optional) a Python dictionary of lists containing the # mean values of user-defined ROIs of the derivative for # each subject # format - {"sub001": [3.23, 2.11], # "sub002": [1.79, 3.03]} # (with the length of the lists being the number of # ROIs specified) # # output_dir: (optional) where to write the .mat file # # model_name: (optional) name of the group analysis model # # current_output: (optional) name of the derivative in the analysis # # output # dmatrix: a Patsy object of the design matrix # depatsified_EV_names: a list of the column names of the design matrix import os import patsy import numpy as np # if running this script alone outside of CPAC if output_dir == None: output_dir = os.getcwd() # let's process the phenotype file data and drop rows (participants) if # they are not listed in the participant list pheno_file_df = load_pheno_file(pheno_file) participant_list_df = load_group_participant_list(sub_list) pheno_file_rows = process_pheno_file(pheno_file_df, participant_list_df, \ subject_id_label) # get number of subjects that have the derivative for this current model # (basically, the amount of time points, which must be greater than the # number of EVs) num_subjects = len(participant_list_df) # for repeated measures if "session" in participant_list_df.columns: ev_selections["categorical"].append("session") if "series" in participant_list_df.columns: ev_selections["categorical"].append("series") # start adding additionally created EVs if new_regressor_dict: for measure in new_regressor_dict.keys(): if (measure in formula): measure_dict = new_regressor_dict[measure] for pheno_row_dict in pheno_file_rows: participant_id = pheno_row_dict[subject_id_label] if ("session" in pheno_row_dict.keys()) and \ ("series" in pheno_row_dict.keys()): session_id = pheno_row_dict["session"] series_id = pheno_row_dict["series"] participant_tuple = \ (participant_id, session_id, series_id) elif "session" in pheno_row_dict.keys(): session_id = pheno_row_dict["session"] participant_tuple = (participant_id, session_id) elif "series" in pheno_row_dict.keys(): series_id = pheno_row_dict["series"] participant_tuple = (participant_id, series_id) else: participant_tuple = (participant_id) pheno_row_dict[measure] = measure_dict[participant_tuple] ev_selections["demean"].append(measure) if "Custom_ROI_Mean" in formula: # include the means of the specified ROIs as regressors if roi_means_dict == None: err = "\n\n[!] You included 'Custom_ROI_Mean' in your model " \ "design, but there are no mean of ROI values provided." \ "\n\n" raise Exception(err) # roi_dict_dict is a dictionary of dictionaries, with each dictionary # holding all of the means for one ROI, with each entry being a mean # for a participant (the keys are the participant IDs) # ex. {participant_01: 35.15, participant_02: 50.00} # with the float values being all of the means of one of # the ROIs specified # there will be a dictionary for each ROI specified roi_dict_dict = get_custom_roi_info(roi_means_dict) add_formula_string = "" for roi_column in roi_dict_dict.keys(): roi_dict = roi_dict_dict[roi_column] for pheno_row_dict in pheno_file_rows: participant_id = pheno_row_dict[subject_id_label] if ("session" in pheno_row_dict.keys()) and \ ("series" in pheno_row_dict.keys()): session_id = pheno_row_dict["session"] series_id = pheno_row_dict["series"] participant_tuple = \ (participant_id, session_id, series_id) elif "session" in pheno_row_dict.keys(): session_id = pheno_row_dict["session"] participant_tuple = (participant_id, session_id) elif "series" in pheno_row_dict.keys(): series_id = pheno_row_dict["series"] participant_tuple = (participant_id, series_id) else: participant_tuple = (participant_id) pheno_row_dict[roi_column] = roi_dict[participant_tuple] ev_selections["demean"].append(roi_column) # create a string of all the new custom ROI regressor column names # to be inserted into the design formula, so that Patsy will # accept the phenotypic data dictionary that now has these columns if add_formula_string == "": add_formula_string = add_formula_string + roi_column else: add_formula_string = add_formula_string + " + " + roi_column # a regressor column of ROI means for each custom-specified ROI has # now been added to the model with appropriate column labels formula = formula.replace("Custom_ROI_Mean",add_formula_string) # return the data from the phenotype file processed properly for Patsy # and load it into 'pheno_data_dict' # format: dictionary, each key is the name of an EV, and its value is # a LIST of values in order of the subjects # - categorical EVs are already renamed from '0,1,..' to # 'EV0,EV1,..' with EV being the EV name # - EVs to be demeaned are already demeaned # - numerical EVs (non-categorical) are in a list which # have been converted into a NumPy array pheno_data_dict = create_pheno_dict(pheno_file_rows, ev_selections, \ subject_id_label) # handle modeling group variances separately (if enabled), then edit the # formula to be in Patsy language if grouping_var != None: pheno_data_dict, formula, grouping_var_id_dict = \ model_group_var_separately(grouping_var, \ formula, pheno_data_dict, \ ev_selections, coding_scheme) else: grouping_var_id_dict = None if 'categorical' in ev_selections.keys(): for EV_name in ev_selections['categorical']: if coding_scheme == 'Treatment': formula = formula.replace(EV_name, 'C(' + EV_name + ')') elif coding_scheme == 'Sum': formula = formula.replace(EV_name, 'C(' + EV_name + \ ', Sum)') # create the Patsy design matrix! try: dmatrix = patsy.dmatrix(formula, pheno_data_dict, NA_action='raise') except: print('\n\n[!] CPAC says: Design matrix creation wasn\'t ' \ 'successful - do the terms in your formula correctly ' \ 'correspond to the EVs listed in your phenotype file?\n') print('Phenotype file provided: ') print(pheno_file, '\n') print("Phenotypic data columns (regressors): ", list(pheno_data_dict.keys())) print("Formula: %s\n\n" % formula) raise Exception # check the model for multicollinearity - Patsy takes care of this, but # just in case check_multicollinearity(np.array(dmatrix)) # prepare for final stages design_matrix = np.array(dmatrix, dtype=np.float16) column_names = dmatrix.design_info.column_names # check to make sure there are more time points than EVs! if len(column_names) >= num_subjects: err = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: There are more EVs than there are " \ "subjects currently included in the model for %s. There must " \ "be more subjects than EVs in the design.\n\nNumber of " \ "subjects: %d\nNumber of EVs: %d\n\nNote: An 'Intercept' " \ "column gets added to the design as an EV, so there will be " \ "one more EV than you may have specified in your design. In " \ "addition, if you specified to model group variances " \ "separately, an Intercept column will not be included, but " \ "the amount of EVs can nearly double once they are split " \ "along the grouping variable.\n\n" \ "If the number of subjects is lower than the number of " \ "subjects in your group analysis subject list, this may be " \ "because not every subject in the subject list has an output " \ "for %s in the individual-level analysis output directory.\n\n"\ % (current_output, num_subjects, len(column_names), \ current_output) raise Exception(err) # remove the header formatting Patsy creates for categorical variables # because we are going to use depatsified_EV_names in the "Available EVs # for Contrasts" list on the next page, and also to test user-made custom # contrast files depatsified_EV_names = [] for column in column_names: # if using Sum encoding, a column name may look like this: # C(adhd, Sum)[S.adhd0] # this loop leaves it with only "adhd0" in this case, for the # contrasts list for the next GUI page column_string = column string_for_removal = '' for char in column_string: string_for_removal = string_for_removal + char if char == '.': column_string = column_string.replace(string_for_removal, '') string_for_removal = '' column_string = column_string.replace(']', '') depatsified_EV_names.append(column_string) # write the .mat file finally write_mat_file(design_matrix, output_dir, model_name, \ depatsified_EV_names, current_output) # write the .grp file also create_grp_file(design_matrix, grouping_var_id_dict, output_dir, \ model_name, current_output) # return the PATSY OBJECT of dmatrix, not the Numpy array "design_matrix" return dmatrix, depatsified_EV_names
[docs]def positive(dmat, a, coding, group_sep, grouping_var): import numpy as np # this is also where the "Intercept" column gets introduced into # the contrasts columns, for when the user uses the model builder's # contrast builder evs = dmat.design_info.column_name_indexes con = np.zeros(dmat.shape[1]) if group_sep == True: if "__" in a and grouping_var in a: ev_desc = a.split("__") for ev in evs: count = 0 for desc in ev_desc: if desc in ev: count += 1 if count == len(ev_desc): con[evs[ev]] = 1 break else: # it is a dropped term so make all other terms in that # category at -1 term = a.split('[')[0] for ev in evs: if ev.startswith(term): con[evs[ev]]= -1 elif len(a.split(grouping_var)) > 2: # this is if the current parsed contrast is the actual # grouping variable, as the Patsified name will have the # variable's name string in it twice for ev in evs: if a.split(".")[1] in ev: con[evs[ev]] = 1 break else: # it is a dropped term so make all other terms in that # category at -1 term = a.split('[')[0] for ev in evs: if ev.startswith(term): con[evs[ev]]= -1 # else not modeling group variances separately else: if a in evs: con[evs[a]] = 1 else: # it is a dropped term so make all other terms in that category # at -1 term = a.split('[')[0] for ev in evs: if ev.startswith(term): con[evs[ev]]= -1 if coding == "Treatment": # make Intercept 0 con[0] = 0 elif coding == "Sum": # make Intercept 1 con[1] = 1 return con
[docs]def greater_than(dmat, a, b, coding, group_sep, grouping_var): c1 = positive(dmat, a, coding, group_sep, grouping_var) c2 = positive(dmat, b, coding, group_sep, grouping_var) return c1-c2
[docs]def negative(dmat, a, coding, group_sep, grouping_var): con = 0-positive(dmat, a, coding, group_sep, grouping_var) return con
[docs]def create_dummy_string(length): ppstring = "" for i in range(0, length): ppstring += '\t' + '%1.5e' %(1.0) ppstring += '\n' return ppstring
[docs]def create_con_file(con_dict, col_names, file_name, current_output, out_dir): import os print("col names: ") print(col_names) with open(os.path.join(out_dir, file_name) + ".con",'w+') as f: # write header num = 1 for key in con_dict: f.write("/ContrastName%s\t%s\n" %(num,key)) num += 1 f.write("/NumWaves\t%d\n" %len(con_dict[key])) f.write("/NumContrasts\t%d\n" %len(con_dict)) f.write("/PPheights%s" %create_dummy_string(len(con_dict[key]))) f.write("/RequiredEffect%s" %create_dummy_string(len(con_dict[key]))) f.write("\n\n") # print labels for the columns - mainly for double-checking your # model col_string = '\n' for col in col_names: col_string = col_string + col + '\t' print(col_string, '\n', file=f) # write data f.write("/Matrix\n") for key in con_dict: for v in con_dict[key]: f.write("%1.5e\t" %v) f.write("\n")
[docs]def create_fts_file(ftest_list, con_dict, model_name, current_output, out_dir): import os import numpy as np try: print("\nFound f-tests in your model, writing f-tests file " \ "(.fts)..\n") with open(os.path.join(out_dir, model_name + '.fts'), 'w') as f: print('/NumWaves\t', len(con_dict), file=f) print('/NumContrasts\t', len(ftest_list), file=f) # process each f-test ftst = [] for ftest_string in ftest_list: ftest_vector = [] cons_in_ftest = ftest_string.split(",") for con in con_dict.keys(): if con in cons_in_ftest: ftest_vector.append(1) else: ftest_vector.append(0) ftst.append(ftest_vector) fts_n = np.array(ftst) # print labels for the columns - mainly for double-checking your # model col_string = '\n' for con in con_dict.keys(): col_string = col_string + con + '\t' print(col_string, '\n', file=f) print('/Matrix', file=f) for i in range(fts_n.shape[0]): print(' '.join(fts_n[i].astype('str')), file=f) except Exception as e: filepath = os.path.join(out_dir, "model_files", current_output, \ model_name + '.fts') errmsg = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: Could not create .fts file for " \ "FLAMEO or write it to disk.\nAttempted filepath: %s\n" \ "Error details: %s\n\n" % (filepath, e) raise Exception(errmsg)
[docs]def create_con_ftst_file(con_file, model_name, current_output, output_dir, column_names, coding_scheme, group_sep): """ Create the contrasts and fts file """ import os import numpy as np with open(con_file, "r") as f: evs = f.readline() evs = evs.rstrip('\r\n').split(',') count_ftests = 0 # TODO: this needs to be re-visited, but I think this was originally added # TODO: to counteract the fact that if someone was making a custom # TODO: contrasts matrix CSV, they wouldn't know that the design matrix # TODO: would have the Intercept added to it? but what if it wasn't? # TODO: comment out for now... but test # remove "Contrasts" label and replace it with "Intercept" #evs[0] = "Intercept" fTest = False print("evs: ") print(evs) for ev in evs: if "f_test" in ev: count_ftests += 1 if count_ftests > 0: fTest = True try: data = np.genfromtxt(con_file, names=True, delimiter=',', dtype=None) except: print("Error: Could not successfully read in contrast file: ",con_file) raise Exception lst = data.tolist() ftst = [] fts_columns = [] contrasts = [] contrast_names = [] length = None length = len(list(lst[0])) # lst = list of tuples, "tp" # tp = tuple in the format (contrast_name, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...) # with the zeroes being the vector of contrasts for that contrast for tp in lst: contrast_names.append(tp[0]) # create a list of integers that is the vector for the contrast # ex. [0, 1, 1, 0, ..] con_vector = list(tp)[1:(length-count_ftests)] fts_vector = list(tp)[(length-count_ftests):length] fts_columns.append(fts_vector) # TODO: see note about Intercept above # add Intercept column # if not group_sep: # if coding_scheme == "Treatment": # con_vector.insert(0, 0) # elif coding_scheme == "Sum": # con_vector.insert(0, 1) contrasts.append(con_vector) # contrast_names = list of the names of the contrasts (not regressors) # contrasts = list of lists with the contrast vectors num_EVs_in_con_file = len(contrasts[0]) contrasts = np.array(contrasts, dtype=np.float16) fts_columns = np.array(fts_columns) # if there are f-tests, create the array for them if fTest: if len(contrast_names) < 2: errmsg = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: Not enough contrasts for running " \ "f-tests.\nTip: Do you have only one contrast in your " \ "contrasts file? f-tests require more than one contrast.\n"\ "Either remove the f-tests or include more contrasts.\n\n" raise Exception(errmsg) fts_n = fts_columns.T if len(column_names) != (num_EVs_in_con_file): err_string = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: The number of EVs in your model " \ "design matrix (found in the %s.mat file) does not " \ "match the number of EVs (columns) in your custom " \ "contrasts matrix CSV file.\n\nCustom contrasts matrix "\ "file: %s\n\nNumber of EVs in design matrix: %d\n" \ "Number of EVs in contrasts file: %d\n\nThe column " \ "labels in the design matrix should match those in " \ "your contrasts .CSV file.\nColumn labels in design " \ "matrix:\n%s" % (model_name, con_file, \ len(column_names), num_EVs_in_con_file, \ str(column_names)) raise Exception(err_string) for design_mat_col, con_csv_col in zip(column_names, evs[1:]): if con_csv_col not in design_mat_col: errmsg = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: The names of the EVs in your " \ "custom contrasts .csv file do not match the names or " \ "order of the EVs in the design matrix. Please make " \ "sure these are consistent.\nDesign matrix EV columns: "\ "%s\nYour contrasts matrix columns: %s\n\n" \ % (column_names, evs[1:]) raise Exception(errmsg) out_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, model_name + '.con') with open(out_dir,"wt") as f: idx = 1 pp_str = '/PPheights' re_str = '/RequiredEffect' for name in contrast_names: print('/ContrastName%d' %idx, '\t', name, file=f) pp_str += '\t%1.5e' %(1) re_str += '\t%1.5e' %(1) idx += 1 print('/NumWaves\t', (contrasts.shape)[1], file=f) print('/NumContrasts\t', (contrasts.shape)[0], file=f) print(pp_str, file=f) print(re_str + '\n', file=f) # print labels for the columns - mainly for double-checking your model col_string = '\n' for ev in evs: col_string = col_string + ev + '\t' print(col_string, '\n', file=f) print('/Matrix', file=f) np.savetxt(f, contrasts, fmt='%1.5e', delimiter='\t') if fTest: print("\nFound f-tests in your model, writing f-tests file (.fts)..\n") ftest_out_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, model_name + '.fts') with open(ftest_out_dir,"wt") as f: print('/NumWaves\t', (contrasts.shape)[0], file=f) print('/NumContrasts\t', count_ftests, file=f) # print labels for the columns - mainly for double-checking your # model col_string = '\n' for con in contrast_names: col_string = col_string + con + '\t' print(col_string, '\n', file=f) print('/Matrix', file=f) for i in range(fts_n.shape[0]): print(' '.join(fts_n[i].astype('str')), file=f)
[docs]def process_contrast(parsed_contrast, operator, ev_selections, group_sep, \ grouping_var, coding_scheme): # take the contrast strings and process them appropriately # extract the two separate contrasts (if there are two), and then # identify which are categorical - adapting the string if so parsed_EVs_in_contrast = [] EVs_in_contrast = parsed_contrast.split(operator) if '' in EVs_in_contrast: EVs_in_contrast.remove('') for EV in EVs_in_contrast: skip = 0 # they need to be put back into Patsy formatted header titles # because the dmatrix gets passed into the function that writes # out the contrast matrix if 'categorical' in ev_selections.keys(): for cat_EV in ev_selections['categorical']: # second half of this if clause is in case group variances # are being modeled separately, and we don't want the EV # that is the grouping variable (which is now present in # other EV names) to confound this operation if group_sep == True: gpvar = grouping_var else: gpvar = "..." if (cat_EV in EV) and not (gpvar in EV and \ "__" in EV): # handle interactions if ":" in EV: temp_split_EV = EV.split(":") for interaction_EV in temp_split_EV: if cat_EV in interaction_EV: current_EV = interaction_EV else: current_EV = EV if coding_scheme == 'Treatment': cat_EV_contrast = EV.replace(EV, 'C(' + cat_EV + \ ')[T.' + current_EV+\ ']') elif coding_scheme == 'Sum': cat_EV_contrast = EV.replace(EV, 'C(' + cat_EV + \ ', Sum)[S.' + \ current_EV + ']') parsed_EVs_in_contrast.append(cat_EV_contrast) skip = 1 if skip == 0: parsed_EVs_in_contrast.append(EV) # handle interactions if ":" in EV and len(parsed_EVs_in_contrast) == 2: parsed_EVs_in_contrast = [parsed_EVs_in_contrast[0] + ":" + \ parsed_EVs_in_contrast[1]] if ":" in EV and len(parsed_EVs_in_contrast) == 3: parsed_EVs_in_contrast = [parsed_EVs_in_contrast[0], \ parsed_EVs_in_contrast[1] + ":" + \ parsed_EVs_in_contrast[2]] return parsed_EVs_in_contrast
[docs]def run(group_config, current_output, param_file=None, \ derivative_means_dict=None, roi_means_dict=None, \ model_out_dir=None, CPAC_run=True): import os import csv import numpy as np # open the GROUP ANALYSIS FSL .YML CONFIG FILE, not the main pipeline # config .yml file! if CPAC_run: c = group_config else: try: c = Configuration(yaml.safe_load(open(os.path.realpath(group_config), \ 'r'))) except: raise Exception("Error in reading %s configuration file" \ % group_config) # pull in the gpa settings! ph = c.pheno_file sublist = c.subject_list ev_selections = c.ev_selections subject_id_label = c.subject_id_label formula = c.design_formula coding_scheme = c.coding_scheme[0] group_sep = c.group_sep grouping_var = c.grouping_var contrasts = c.contrasts f_tests = c.f_tests custom_contrasts = c.custom_contrasts model_name = c.model_name output_dir = c.output_dir # make sure the group analysis output directory exists try: if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) except: print('\n\n[!] CPAC says: Could not successfully create the group ' \ 'analysis output directory:\n', output_dir, '\n\nMake sure ' \ 'you have write access in this file structure.\n\n\n') raise Exception measure_dict = {} # extract motion measures from CPAC-generated power params file if param_file != None: measure_dict = get_measure_dict(param_file) # combine the motion measures dictionary with the measure_mean # dictionary (if it exists) if derivative_means_dict: measure_dict["Measure_Mean"] = derivative_means_dict # create the .mat and .grp files for FLAME design_matrix, regressor_names = create_design_matrix(ph, sublist, \ ev_selections, formula, \ subject_id_label, coding_scheme, \ grouping_var, measure_dict, \ roi_means_dict, model_out_dir, \ model_name, current_output) # Create contrasts_dict dictionary for the .con file generation later contrasts_list = contrasts contrasts_dict = {} for contrast in contrasts_list: # each 'contrast' is a string the user input of the desired contrast # remove all spaces parsed_contrast = contrast.replace(' ', '') EVs_in_contrast = [] parsed_EVs_in_contrast = [] if '>' in parsed_contrast: parsed_EVs_in_contrast = \ process_contrast(parsed_contrast, '>', ev_selections, \ group_sep, grouping_var, coding_scheme) contrasts_dict[parsed_contrast] = \ greater_than(design_matrix, parsed_EVs_in_contrast[0], \ parsed_EVs_in_contrast[1], coding_scheme, \ group_sep, grouping_var) elif '<' in parsed_contrast: parsed_EVs_in_contrast = \ process_contrast(parsed_contrast, '<', ev_selections, \ group_sep, grouping_var, coding_scheme) contrasts_dict[parsed_contrast] = \ greater_than(design_matrix, parsed_EVs_in_contrast[1], \ parsed_EVs_in_contrast[0], coding_scheme, \ group_sep, grouping_var) else: contrast_string = parsed_contrast.replace('+',',+,') contrast_string = contrast_string.replace('-',',-,') contrast_items = contrast_string.split(',') if '' in contrast_items: contrast_items.remove('') if '+' in contrast_items and len(contrast_items) == 2: parsed_EVs_in_contrast = \ process_contrast(parsed_contrast, '+', ev_selections, \ group_sep, grouping_var, coding_scheme) contrasts_dict[parsed_contrast] = \ positive(design_matrix, parsed_EVs_in_contrast[0], \ coding_scheme, group_sep, grouping_var) elif '-' in contrast_items and len(contrast_items) == 2: parsed_EVs_in_contrast = \ process_contrast(parsed_contrast, '-', ev_selections, \ group_sep, grouping_var, coding_scheme) contrasts_dict[parsed_contrast] = \ negative(design_matrix, parsed_EVs_in_contrast[0], \ coding_scheme, group_sep, grouping_var) if len(contrast_items) > 2: idx = 0 for item in contrast_items: # they need to be put back into Patsy formatted header # titles because the dmatrix gets passed into the function # that writes out the contrast matrix if 'categorical' in ev_selections.keys(): for cat_EV in ev_selections['categorical']: if cat_EV in item: if coding_scheme == 'Treatment': item = item.replace(item, \ 'C(' + cat_EV + ')[T.' + item + ']') elif coding_scheme == 'Sum': item = item.replace(item, \ 'C(' + cat_EV + ', Sum)[S.' + item + ']') if idx == 0: if item != '+' and item != '-': contrast_vector = positive(dmatrix, item) if parsed_contrast not in contrasts_dict.keys(): contrasts_dict[parsed_contrast] = contrast_vector else: contrasts_dict[parsed_contrast] += contrast_vector elif idx != 0: if item != '+' and item != '-': if contrast_items[idx-1] == '+': contrast_vector = positive(dmatrix, item, \ coding_scheme, group_sep,\ grouping_var) if parsed_contrast not in contrasts_dict.keys(): contrasts_dict[parsed_contrast] = contrast_vector else: contrasts_dict[parsed_contrast] += contrast_vector if contrast_items[idx-1] == '-': contrast_vector = negative(dmatrix, item, \ coding_scheme, group_sep,\ grouping_var) if parsed_contrast not in contrasts_dict.keys(): contrasts_dict[parsed_contrast] = contrast_vector else: contrasts_dict[parsed_contrast] += contrast_vector idx += 1 # finally write out the .con file and .fts file (if f-tests) if (custom_contrasts == None) or (custom_contrasts == '') or \ ("None" in custom_contrasts): print("Writing contrasts file (.con) based on contrasts provided " \ "using the group analysis model builder's contrasts editor..") create_con_file(contrasts_dict, regressor_names, model_name, \ current_output, model_out_dir) if f_tests: create_fts_file(f_tests, contrasts_dict, model_name, \ current_output, model_out_dir) else: print("\nWriting contrasts file (.con) based on contrasts provided " \ "with a custom contrasts matrix CSV file..\n") create_con_ftst_file(custom_contrasts, model_name, current_output, \ model_out_dir, regressor_names, \ coding_scheme, group_sep)