Source code for CPAC.utils.outputs

import pkg_resources as p
import pandas as pd

[docs]class Outputs(): # Settle some things about the resource pool reference and the output directory reference_csv = p.resource_filename('CPAC', 'resources/cpac_outputs.tsv') try: reference = pd.read_csv(reference_csv, delimiter='\t', keep_default_na=False) except Exception as e: err = "\n[!] Could not access or read the cpac_outputs.tsv " \ "resource file:\n{0}\n\nError details {1}\n".format(reference_csv, e) raise Exception(err) # all outputs any = list(reference.Resource) # extra outputs that we don't write to the output directory, unless the # user selects to do so debugging = list( reference[reference['Optional: Debugging'] == 'Yes']['Resource'] ) # functional data that are 4D time series, instead of derivatives functional_timeseries = list( reference[reference['4D Time Series'] == 'Yes']['Resource'] ) anat = list(reference[reference['Sub-Directory'] == 'anat']['Resource']) func = list(reference[reference['Sub-Directory'] == 'func']['Resource']) # outputs to send into smoothing, if smoothing is enabled, and # outputs to write out if the user selects to write non-smoothed outputs _template_filter = reference['Space'] == 'template' _epitemplate_filter = reference['Space'] == 'EPI template' _symtemplate_filter = reference['Space'] == 'symmetric template' _T1w_native_filter = reference['Space'] == 'T1w' _bold_native_filter = reference['Space'] == 'functional' _long_native_filter = reference['Space'] == 'longitudinal T1w' _nonsmoothed_filter = reference['To Smooth'] == 'Yes' _zstd_filter = reference['To z-std'] == 'Yes' _corr_filter = reference['Type'] == 'correlation' all_template_filter = (_template_filter | _epitemplate_filter | _symtemplate_filter) all_native_filter = (_T1w_native_filter | _bold_native_filter | _long_native_filter) native_nonsmooth = list(reference[all_native_filter & _nonsmoothed_filter]['Resource']) template_nonsmooth = list(reference[all_template_filter & _nonsmoothed_filter]['Resource']) to_smooth = list(reference[_nonsmoothed_filter]['Resource']) to_zstd = list(reference[_zstd_filter & ~_corr_filter]['Resource']) to_fisherz = list(reference[_zstd_filter & _corr_filter]['Resource']) # don't write these, unless the user selects to write native-space outputs native_smooth = list(reference[~all_template_filter & ~_nonsmoothed_filter]['Resource']) # ever used??? contains template-space, smoothed, both raw and z-scored template_smooth = list(reference[all_template_filter & ~_nonsmoothed_filter]['Resource']) _bold_filter = reference['Type'] == 'bold' _ts_filter = reference['4D Time Series'] == 'Yes' bold_ts = list(reference[_bold_filter & _bold_native_filter & _ts_filter]['Resource']) # outputs to send into z-scoring, if z-scoring is enabled, and # outputs to write out if user selects to write non-z-scored outputs native_raw = list(reference[all_native_filter & (reference['To z-std'] == 'Yes')]['Resource']) template_raw = list(reference[all_template_filter & (reference['To z-std'] == 'Yes')]['Resource']) def _is_cifti(_file_key): return _file_key.upper().startswith('CIFTI ') ciftis = reference[][['Resource', 'File']] ciftis = {cifti.Resource: cifti.File.split(' ')[-1] for cifti in ciftis.itertuples() if ' ' in cifti.File} def _is_gifti(_file_key): return _file_key.upper().startswith('GIFTI ') giftis = reference[][['Resource', 'File']] giftis = {gifti.Resource: gifti.File.split(' ')[-1] for gifti in giftis.itertuples() if ' ' in gifti.File}