Version 0.1.1 Alpha - 2012.10.15¶
Scrubbing: Users can now specify the number of TRs that should be removed before and after an offending TR.
Scrubbing: C-PAC now prints a warning specifying the number of time points left after scrubbing. If no time points are left, C-PAC will crash and print an error.
Slice Timing: Users can now specify which sites are run with slice timing correction.
Slice Timing: Slice timing correction is now able to read slice timing information directly from an image file, and works on Multiband sequences.
Timeseries: Users can now specify a different number of initial TRs to be removed for each site.
Data Config: Data extraction now works for the NKI-TRT data set, and automatically extracts scan parameters for each subject from the image file.
Fix: C-PAC no longer crashes if dot is not installed. Instead, it prints an error and contines running.