Version 0.3.7 Alpha - 2014.10.29¶
CPAC 0.3.7 has been migrated to a newer version of Nipype, version 0.10.0. Upgrade instructions are found below.
ANTS anatomical registration now calculates and applies an additional transform which makes registration more robust to certain input images that may have had registration difficulties otherwise.
Users can now set a custom number of cores to dedicate to anatomical registration when using ANTS, enabling faster registration speeds (just be careful not to assign more than you have!).
Group analysis no longer requires symbolic links to be generated in order to run.
Fixed the Network Centrality RAM shortage bug and improved stability of the Network Centrality code.
Network Centrality now produces smoothed non-z-score-standardized outputs.
Bug fixes concerning the GUI and pipeline configuration editor, including an issue where input file paths were checked in the pipeline configuration editor even when the associated workflows were turned off.
Instructions for Updating to 0.3.7¶
Download and install the Nipype version 0.10.0, tested to work with CPAC 0.3.7, from Github.
Download the new version from Github or the CPAC homepage.
Replace the old CPAC directory with the new files and then run
sudo python install