Version 0.3.8 Alpha - 2014.12.10¶
Fixed a bug in which ANTS registration transforms were applied in the wrong order.
“Treatment” coding has been enabled as an option in the Group Analysis Model Builder.
Resolved several errors effecting warping Dual Regression outputs to standard space.
SCA correlation maps now written out into 4D file instead of being stored into a 5D file (with the 4-dimension being a singleton).
Fixed a bug in compCor nuisance regression in which WM and CSF time-series were not variance normalized, as implemented by the original paper.
Updated the script available in the scripts directory in order to reflect changes in how CPAC is run, update documentation, and enable users to invoke custom installs of Nipype and CPAC.
- Several GUI error fixes and improvements:
Introduced more descriptive error messages if the subject list is formatted or entered incorrectly.
Fixed an issue with input checking in the pipeline configuration editor.
Fixed an issue where saving an edited pipeline configuration file would require the user to re-load the file onto the pipeline list.
Developer tools: Created a unit test created for the Network Centrality workflow.
Instructions for Updating to 0.3.8¶
Download and install the Nipype version 0.10.0, tested to work with CPAC 0.3.8, from Github.
Download the new version from Github or the CPAC homepage.
Replace the old CPAC directory with the new files and then run
sudo python install