Version 1.6.2a Beta (Jun 25, 2020)¶
Error Fixes
Brain extraction in Singularity container: an error in the Singularity container with running AFNI 3dSkullStrip in the C-PAC pipeline (RuntimeError: Xvfb did not start) has been resolved. (,
Censoring during nuisance regression: an error where a pipeline crash would result when the motion threshold was too high and no frames were marked for censoring has been resolved. (
C-PAC Warm Restart: an error that would result when running C-PAC a second time with the same working directory (_csv.Error) has been resolved. (,
In addition, the C-PAC Docker and Singularity images, as well as the AWS AMI, have all been updated. These provide a quick way to get started.
And as always, you can contact us here for user support and discussion:!forum/cpax_forum