C-PAC versions

See Release Notes for information about specific versions of C-PAC. The Docker Hub tags are like fcpindi/c-pac:release-${VERSION}${VARIANT} where ${VERSION} is either a specific semantic version prefixed with a v or latest or nightly, like release-v1.8.8.dev1


Primary image

latest-primary-badge nightly-badge

Non-variant, primary image (no ${VARIANT} or an empty string, e.g. release-v1.8.8.dev1)

Lite variant

latest-lite-badge nightly-lite-badge

-lite, primary image without FreeSurfer for a smaller image for runs that don’t need FreeSurfer (e.g., release-v1.8.8.dev1-lite)

Stale variants

The following variants were version-matched to other pipelines years ago but have not been recently harmonized.

ABCD-HCP variant

Removed in version 1.8.7.post1.


-ABCD-HCP, image with software dependencies version-matched to ABCD-HCP BIDS fMRI Pipeline version 0.1.4 (e.g., release-v1.8.7-ABCD-HCP)

fMRIPrep-LTS variant

Removed in version 1.8.7.post1.


-fMRIPrep-LTS, image with software dependencies version-matched to fMRIPrep LTS version 20.2.1 (e.g., release-v1.8.7-fMRIPrep-LTS)