Source code for CPAC.cwas.pipeline

import os

import nipype.interfaces.utility as util

from CPAC.pipeline import nipype_pipeline_engine as pe
from CPAC.utils.interfaces.function import Function
from .cwas import (

[docs] def create_cwas(name="cwas", working_dir=None, crash_dir=None): """ Connectome Wide Association Studies. This workflow performs CWAS on a group of subjects. Parameters ---------- name : string, optional Name of the workflow. Returns ------- cwas : nipype.pipeline.engine.Workflow CWAS workflow. Notes ----- Workflow Inputs:: inputspec.subjects : dict (subject id: nifti files) 4-D timeseries of a group of subjects normalized to MNI space inputspec.roi : string (nifti file) Mask of region(s) of interest inputspec.regressor : list (float) Corresponding list of the regressor variable of shape (`N`) or (`N`,`1`), `N` subjects inputspec.cols : list (int) todo inputspec.f_samples : int Number of permutation samples to draw from the pseudo F distribution inputspec.parallel_nodes : integer Number of nodes to create and potentially parallelize over Workflow Outputs:: outputspec.F_map : string (nifti file) Pseudo F values of CWAS outputspec.p_map : string (nifti file) Significance p values calculated from permutation tests outputspec.z_map : string (nifti file) Significance p values converted to z-scores CWAS Procedure: 1. Calculate spatial correlation of a voxel 2. Correlate spatial z-score maps for every subject pair 3. Convert matrix to distance matrix, `1-r` 4. Calculate MDMR statistics for the voxel 5. Determine significance of MDMR statistics with permutation tests .. exec:: from CPAC.cwas import create_cwas wf = create_cwas() wf.write_graph( graph2use='orig', dotfilename='./images/generated/' ) Workflow Graph: .. image:: ../../images/generated/cwas.png :width: 500 Detailed Workflow Graph: .. image:: ../../images/generated/cwas_detailed.png :width: 500 References ---------- .. [1] Shehzad Z, Kelly C, Reiss PT, Cameron Craddock R, Emerson JW, McMahon K, Copland DA, Castellanos FX, Milham MP. A multivariate distance-based analytic framework for connectome-wide association studies. Neuroimage. 2014 Jun;93 Pt 1(0 1):74-94. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.02.024. Epub 2014 Feb 28. PMID: 24583255; PMCID: PMC4138049. """ if not working_dir: working_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "MDMR_work_dir") if not crash_dir: crash_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "MDMR_crash_dir") workflow = pe.Workflow(name=name) workflow.base_dir = working_dir workflow.config["execution"] = { "hash_method": "timestamp", "crashdump_dir": os.path.abspath(crash_dir), "crashfile_format": "txt", } inputspec = pe.Node( util.IdentityInterface( fields=[ "roi", "subjects", "regressor", "participant_column", "columns", "permutations", "parallel_nodes", "z_score", ] ), name="inputspec", ) outputspec = pe.Node( util.IdentityInterface( fields=["F_map", "p_map", "neglog_p_map", "one_p_map", "z_map"] ), name="outputspec", ) ccb = pe.Node( Function( input_names=["mask_file", "batches"], output_names="batch_list", function=create_cwas_batches, as_module=True, ), name="cwas_batches", ) ncwas = pe.MapNode( Function( input_names=[ "subjects", "mask_file", "regressor_file", "participant_column", "columns_string", "permutations", "voxel_range", ], output_names=["result_batch"], function=nifti_cwas, as_module=True, ), name="cwas_batch", iterfield="voxel_range", ) jmask = pe.Node( Function( input_names=["subjects", "mask_file"], output_names=["joint_mask"], function=joint_mask, as_module=True, ), name="joint_mask", ) mcwasb = pe.Node( Function( input_names=["cwas_batches", "mask_file", "z_score", "permutations"], output_names=["F_file", "p_file", "neglog_p_file", "one_p_file", "z_file"], function=merge_cwas_batches, as_module=True, ), name="cwas_volumes", ) # Compute the joint mask workflow.connect(inputspec, "subjects", jmask, "subjects") workflow.connect(inputspec, "roi", jmask, "mask_file") # Create batches based on the joint mask workflow.connect(jmask, "joint_mask", ccb, "mask_file") workflow.connect(inputspec, "parallel_nodes", ccb, "batches") # Compute CWAS over batches of voxels workflow.connect(jmask, "joint_mask", ncwas, "mask_file") workflow.connect(inputspec, "subjects", ncwas, "subjects") workflow.connect(inputspec, "regressor", ncwas, "regressor_file") workflow.connect(inputspec, "permutations", ncwas, "permutations") workflow.connect(inputspec, "participant_column", ncwas, "participant_column") workflow.connect(inputspec, "columns", ncwas, "columns_string") workflow.connect(ccb, "batch_list", ncwas, "voxel_range") # Merge the computed CWAS data workflow.connect(ncwas, "result_batch", mcwasb, "cwas_batches") workflow.connect(jmask, "joint_mask", mcwasb, "mask_file") workflow.connect(inputspec, "z_score", mcwasb, "z_score") workflow.connect(inputspec, "permutations", mcwasb, "permutations") workflow.connect(mcwasb, "F_file", outputspec, "F_map") workflow.connect(mcwasb, "p_file", outputspec, "p_map") workflow.connect(mcwasb, "neglog_p_file", outputspec, "neglog_p_map") workflow.connect(mcwasb, "one_p_file", outputspec, "one_p_map") workflow.connect(mcwasb, "z_file", outputspec, "z_map") return workflow