import math
import subprocess
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
from scipy.signal import filtfilt, firwin, freqz, iirnotch
def nullify(value, function=None):
from traits.trait_base import Undefined
if value is None:
return Undefined
if function:
return function(value)
return value
def chunk_ts(func_file, n_chunks=None, chunk_size=None):
func_img = nib.load(func_file)
trs = func_img.shape[3]
TR_ranges = []
if n_chunks:
chunk_size = trs / n_chunks
elif chunk_size:
n_chunks = int(trs / chunk_size)
msg = (
"\n[!] Dev error: Either 'n_chunks' or 'chunk_size' "
"arguments must be passed to 'chunk_ts' function.\n"
raise Exception(msg)
for chunk_idx in range(0, n_chunks):
if chunk_idx == n_chunks - 1:
TR_ranges.append((int(chunk_idx * chunk_size), int(trs - 1)))
(int(chunk_idx * chunk_size), int((chunk_idx + 1) * chunk_size - 1))
return TR_ranges
def split_ts_chunks(func_file, tr_ranges):
if ".nii" in func_file:
ext = ".nii"
if ".nii.gz" in func_file:
ext = ".nii.gz"
split_funcs = []
for chunk_idx, tr_range in enumerate(tr_ranges):
out_file = os.path.join(
os.path.basename(func_file).replace(ext, f"_{chunk_idx}{ext}"),
in_file = f"{func_file}[{tr_range[0]}..{tr_range[1]}]"
cmd = ["3dcalc", "-a", in_file, "-expr", "a", "-prefix", out_file]
return split_funcs
def oned_text_concat(in_files):
out_file = os.path.join(
os.getcwd(), os.path.basename(in_files[0].replace("_0", ""))
out_txt = []
for txt in in_files:
with open(txt, "r") as f:
txt_lines = f.readlines()
if not out_txt:
out_txt = list(txt_lines)
for line in txt_lines:
if "#" in line:
with open(out_file, "wt") as f:
for line in out_txt:
return out_file
def degrees_to_mm(degrees, head_radius):
# function to convert degrees of motion to mm
return 2 * math.pi * head_radius * (degrees / 360)
def mm_to_degrees(mm, head_radius):
# function to convert mm of motion to degrees
return 360 * mm / (2 * math.pi * head_radius)
def degrees_to_mm(degrees, head_radius):
# function to convert degrees of motion to mm
return 2 * math.pi * head_radius * (degrees / 360)
def mm_to_degrees(mm, head_radius):
# function to convert mm of motion to degrees
return 360 * mm / (2 * math.pi * head_radius)
def degrees_to_mm(degrees, head_radius):
# function to convert degrees of motion to mm
return 2 * math.pi * head_radius * (degrees / 360)
def mm_to_degrees(mm, head_radius):
# function to convert mm of motion to degrees
return 360 * mm / (2 * math.pi * head_radius)
def notch_filter_motion(
# Adapted from DCAN Labs:
if "ms" in TR:
TR = float(TR.replace("ms", "")) / 1000
elif "ms" not in TR and "s" in TR:
TR = float(TR.replace("s", ""))
params_data = np.loadtxt(motion_params)
# Sampling frequency
fs = 1 / TR
# Nyquist frequency
fNy = fs / 2
if filter_type == "notch":
# Respiratory Rate
if fc_RR_min and fc_RR_max:
rr = [float(fc_RR_min) / float(60), float(fc_RR_max) / float(60)]
rr_fNy = [rr[0] + fNy, rr[1] + fNy]
fa = abs(rr - np.floor(np.divide(rr_fNy, fs)) * fs)
elif center_freq and freq_bw:
tail = float(freq_bw) / float(2)
fa = [center_freq - tail, center_freq + tail]
W_notch = np.divide(fa, fNy)
Wn = np.mean(W_notch)
bw = np.diff(W_notch)
# for filter info
center_freq = Wn * fNy
bandwidth = fa[1] - fa[0]
Q = Wn / bw
[b_filt, a_filt] = iirnotch(Wn, Q)
np.floor(filter_order / 2)
filter_info = (
f"Motion estimate filter information\n\nType: Notch\n"
f"\nCenter freq: {center_freq}\nBandwidth: {bandwidth}\n\n"
f"Wn: {Wn}\nQ: {Q}\n\n"
f"Based on:\nSampling freq: {fs}\nNyquist freq: {fNy}"
elif filter_type == "lowpass":
if fc_RR_min:
rr = float(fc_RR_min) / float(60)
rr_fNy = rr + fNy
fa = abs(rr - np.floor(np.divide(rr_fNy, fs)) * fs)
elif lowpass_cutoff:
fa = lowpass_cutoff
Wn = fa / fNy
if filter_order:
b_filt = firwin(filter_order + 1, Wn)
a_filt = 1
filter_info = (
f"Motion estimate filter information\n\nType: Lowpass"
f"\n\nCutoff freq: {fa}\nWn: {Wn}\n\n"
f"Based on:\nSampling freq: {fs}\nNyquist freq: {fNy}"
filter_design = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "motion_estimate_filter_design.txt")
filter_plot = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "motion_estimate_filter_freq-response.png")
# plot frequency response for user info
w, h = freqz(b_filt, a_filt, fs=fs)
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.set_title("Motion estimate filter frequency response")
ax1.plot(w, 20 * np.log10(abs(h)), "b")
ax1.set_ylabel("Amplitude [dB]", color="b")
ax1.set_xlabel("Frequency [Hz]")
with open(filter_design, "wt") as f:
# convert rotation params from degrees to mm
params_data[:, 0:3] = degrees_to_mm(params_data[:, 0:3], head_radius=50)
filtered_params = filtfilt(b_filt, a_filt, params_data.T)
# back rotation params to degrees
filtered_params[0:3, :] = mm_to_degrees(filtered_params[0:3, :], head_radius=50)
# back rotation params to degrees
filtered_params[0:3, :] = mm_to_degrees(filtered_params[0:3, :], head_radius=50)
filtered_motion_params = os.path.join(
os.getcwd(), f"{os.path.basename(motion_params)}_filtered.1D"
np.savetxt(filtered_motion_params, filtered_params.T, fmt="%f")
return (filtered_motion_params, filter_design, filter_plot)