import os
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
import nibabel as nib
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft
def ideal_bandpass(data, sample_period, bandpass_freqs):
# Derived from YAN Chao-Gan 120504 based on REST.
sample_freq = 1.0 / sample_period
sample_length = data.shape[0]
data_p = np.zeros(int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(sample_length))))
data_p[:sample_length] = data
LowCutoff, HighCutoff = bandpass_freqs
if LowCutoff is None: # No lower cutoff (low-pass filter)
low_cutoff_i = 0
elif LowCutoff > sample_freq / 2.0:
# Cutoff beyond fs/2 (all-stop filter)
low_cutoff_i = int(data_p.shape[0] / 2)
low_cutoff_i = np.ceil(LowCutoff * data_p.shape[0] * sample_period).astype(
if HighCutoff > sample_freq / 2.0 or HighCutoff is None:
# Cutoff beyond fs/2 or unspecified (become a highpass filter)
high_cutoff_i = int(data_p.shape[0] / 2)
high_cutoff_i = np.fix(HighCutoff * data_p.shape[0] * sample_period).astype(
freq_mask = np.zeros_like(data_p, dtype="bool")
freq_mask[low_cutoff_i : high_cutoff_i + 1] = True
freq_mask[data_p.shape[0] - high_cutoff_i : data_p.shape[0] + 1 - low_cutoff_i] = (
f_data = fft(data_p)
f_data[freq_mask is not True] = 0.0
return np.real_if_close(ifft(f_data)[:sample_length])
def read_1D(one_D: Path | str) -> tuple[list[str], NDArray]:
"""Parse a header from a 1D file, returing that header and a Numpy Array."""
header = []
with open(one_D, "r") as _f:
# Each leading line that doesn't start with a number goes into the header
for line in _f.readlines():
except ValueError:
regressor = np.loadtxt(one_D, skiprows=len(header))
return header, regressor
def bandpass_voxels(realigned_file, regressor_file, bandpass_freqs, sample_period=None):
"""Performs ideal bandpass filtering on each voxel time-series.
realigned_file : string
Path of a realigned nifti file.
bandpass_freqs : tuple
Tuple containing the bandpass frequencies. (LowCutoff_HighPass HighCutoff_LowPass)
sample_period : float, optional
Length of sampling period in seconds. If not specified,
this value is read from the nifti file provided.
bandpassed_file : string
Path of filtered output (nifti file).
nii = nib.load(realigned_file)
data = nii.get_fdata().astype("float64")
mask = (data != 0).sum(-1) != 0
Y = data[mask].T
Yc = Y - np.tile(Y.mean(0), (Y.shape[0], 1))
if not sample_period:
hdr = nii.header
sample_period = float(hdr.get_zooms()[3])
# Sketchy check to convert TRs in millisecond units
if sample_period > 20.0:
sample_period /= 1000.0
Y_bp = np.zeros_like(Y)
for j in range(Y.shape[1]):
Y_bp[:, j] = ideal_bandpass(Yc[:, j], sample_period, bandpass_freqs)
data[mask] = Y_bp.T
img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, header=nii.header, affine=nii.affine)
bandpassed_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "bandpassed_demeaned_filtered.nii.gz")
regressor_bandpassed_file = None
if regressor_file is not None:
if regressor_file.endswith(".nii.gz") or regressor_file.endswith(".nii"):
nii = nib.load(regressor_file)
data = nii.get_fdata().astype("float64")
mask = (data != 0).sum(-1) != 0
Y = data[mask].T
Yc = Y - np.tile(Y.mean(0), (Y.shape[0], 1))
Y_bp = np.zeros_like(Y)
for j in range(Y.shape[1]):
Y_bp[:, j] = ideal_bandpass(Yc[:, j], sample_period, bandpass_freqs)
data[mask] = Y_bp.T
img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, header=nii.header, affine=nii.affine)
regressor_bandpassed_file = os.path.join(
os.getcwd(), "regressor_bandpassed_demeaned_filtered.nii.gz"
header: list[str]
regressor: NDArray
header, regressor = read_1D(regressor_file)
Yc = regressor - np.tile(regressor.mean(0), (regressor.shape[0], 1))
Y_bp = np.zeros_like(Yc)
# Modify to allow just 1 regressor column
shape = (
regressor.shape[0] if len(regressor.shape) < 1 else regressor.shape[1]
for j in range(shape):
Y_bp[:, j] = ideal_bandpass(Yc[:, j], sample_period, bandpass_freqs)
regressor_bandpassed_file = os.path.join(
os.getcwd(), "regressor_bandpassed_demeaned_filtered.1D"
with open(regressor_bandpassed_file, "w") as ofd:
# write out the header information
for line in header:
nuisance_regressors = np.array(Y_bp)
np.savetxt(ofd, nuisance_regressors, fmt="%.18f", delimiter="\t")
return bandpassed_file, regressor_bandpassed_file
def afni_1dBandpass(in_file, highpass, lowpass, tr=1):
Perform AFNI 1dBandpass.
in_file : string
Path of an input 1D file
highpass : float
lowpass : float
out_file : string
Path of an output 1D file
import os
basename = os.path.basename(in_file)
filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(basename)
out_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename + "_bp" + file_extension)
cmd = "1dBandpass -dt %f %f %f %s > %s" % (tr, highpass, lowpass, in_file, out_file)
return out_file