Source code for CPAC.pipeline.nipype_pipeline_engine.engine

#     This file is derived from sources licensed under the Apache-2.0 terms,
#     and this file has been changed.

#     * Supports just-in-time dynamic memory allocation
#     * Skips doctests that require files that we haven't copied over
#     * Applies a random seed
#     * Supports overriding memory estimates via a log file and a buffer
#     * Adds quotation marks around strings in dotfiles

#     Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Nipype developers

#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#     You may obtain a copy of the License at


#     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#     limitations under the License.

#     Prior to release 0.12, Nipype was licensed under a BSD license.

# Modifications Copyright (C) 2022-2024 C-PAC Developers

# This file is part of C-PAC.

# C-PAC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.

# C-PAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with C-PAC. If not, see <>.
"""Module to import Nipype Pipeline engine and override some Classes.

for C-PAC-specific documentation.
for Nipype's documentation.
"""  # pylint: disable=line-too-long

from copy import deepcopy
from inspect import Parameter, Signature, signature
import os
import re
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Optional

from numpy import prod
from traits.trait_base import Undefined
from traits.trait_handlers import TraitListObject
from nibabel import load
from nipype.interfaces.utility import Function
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.pipeline.engine.utils import (
    load_resultfile as _load_resultfile,
from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix
from nipype.utils.functions import getsource

from CPAC.utils.monitoring import getLogger, WFLOGGER

# set global default mem_gb
UNDEFINED_SIZE = (42, 42, 42, 1200)

def _check_mem_x_path(mem_x_path):
    """Check if a supplied multiplier path exists.

    mem_x_path : str, iterable, Undefined or None

    mem_x_path = _grab_first_path(mem_x_path)
        return mem_x_path is not Undefined and os.path.exists(mem_x_path)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        return False

def _doctest_skiplines(docstring, lines_to_skip):
    Add '  # doctest: +SKIP' to the end of docstring lines.

    Used to skip doctests in imported docstrings.

    docstring : str

    lines_to_skip : set or list

    docstring : str

    >>> _doctest_skiplines('skip this line', {'skip this line'})
    'skip this line  # doctest: +SKIP'
    if not isinstance(lines_to_skip, set) and not isinstance(lines_to_skip, list):
        msg = "_doctest_skiplines: `lines_to_skip` must be a set or list."
        raise TypeError(msg)

    return "\n".join(
            f"{line}  # doctest: +SKIP" if line in lines_to_skip else line
            for line in docstring.split("\n")

def _grab_first_path(mem_x_path):
    """Grab the first path if multiple paths for given multiplier input.

    mem_x_path : str, iterable, Undefined or None

    str, Undefined or None
    if isinstance(mem_x_path, (list, TraitListObject, tuple)):
        mem_x_path = mem_x_path[0] if len(mem_x_path) else Undefined
    return mem_x_path

[docs] class Node(pe.Node): # noqa: D101 # pylint: disable=empty-docstring,too-many-instance-attributes __doc__ = _doctest_skiplines( pe.Node.__doc__, {" >>> realign.inputs.in_files = 'functional.nii'"} )
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, mem_gb: Optional[float] = DEFAULT_MEM_GB, throttle: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from CPAC.pipeline.random_state import random_seed super().__init__(*args, mem_gb=mem_gb, **kwargs) self.logger = WFLOGGER self.seed = random_seed() self.seed_applied = False self.input_data_shape = Undefined self._debug = False if throttle: self.throttle = True self.verbose_logger = None self._mem_x = {} if "mem_x" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["mem_x"], (tuple, list)): if len(kwargs["mem_x"]) == 3: # noqa: PLR2004 ( self._mem_x["multiplier"], self._mem_x["file"], self._mem_x["mode"], ) = kwargs["mem_x"] else: self._mem_x["mode"] = "xyzt" if len(kwargs["mem_x"]) == 2: # noqa: PLR2004 (self._mem_x["multiplier"], self._mem_x["file"]) = kwargs["mem_x"] else: self._mem_x["multiplier"] = kwargs["mem_x"] self._mem_x["file"] = None else: delattr(self, "_mem_x") setattr(self, "skip_timeout", False)
_orig_sig_params: ClassVar[list[tuple[str, Parameter]]] = list( signature(pe.Node).parameters.items() ) __init__.__signature__ = Signature( parameters=[ p[1] if p[0] != "mem_gb" else ( "mem_gb", Parameter( "mem_gb", Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, default=DEFAULT_MEM_GB ), )[1] for p in _orig_sig_params[:-1] ] + [ Parameter("mem_x", Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=None), Parameter("throttle", Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=False), _orig_sig_params[-1][1], ] ) del _orig_sig_params __init__.__doc__ = re.sub( r"(?<!\s):", " :", "\n".join( [ pe.Node.__init__.__doc__.rstrip(), """ mem_gb : int or float Estimate (in GB) of constant memory to allocate for this node. mem_x : 2-tuple or 3-tuple (``multiplier``, ``input_file``) (int or float, str) (``multiplier``, ``input_file``, ``mode``) (int or float, str, str) **Note** This parameter (``mem_x``) is likely to change in a future release as we incorporate more factors into memory estimates. See also: `⚡️ Setting data- and operation-dependent memory-estimates <>`_ GitHub epic of issues related to improving Node memory estimates based on the data and operations involved. Multiplier for memory allocation such that ``multiplier`` times ``mode`` of 4-D file at ``input_file`` plus ``self._mem_gb`` equals the total memory allocation for the node. ``input_file`` can be a Node input string or an actual path. ``mode`` can be any one of * 'xyzt' (spatial * temporal) (default if not specified) * 'xyz' (spatial) * 't' (temporal) throttle : bool, optional Assume this Node will use all available memory if no observation run is provided.""", ] ), ) # pylint: disable=line-too-long def _add_flags(self, flags: list[str] | tuple[str, str]) -> None: r""" Update an interface's flags by adding (list) or replacing (tuple). Parameters ---------- flags : list or tuple If a list, add ``flags`` to ``self.inputs.flags`` or ``self.inputs.args`` If a tuple, remove ``flags[1]`` from and add ``flags[0]`` to ``self.inputs.flags`` or ``self.inputs.args`` """ def prep_flags(attr): to_remove = [] if isinstance(flags, tuple): to_remove += flags[1] new_flags = flags[0] else: new_flags = flags old_flags = getattr(self.inputs, attr) if isinstance(old_flags, str): to_remove.sort(key=lambda x: -x.count(" ")) for flag in to_remove: if f" {flag} " in old_flags: old_flags = old_flags.replace(f" {flag}", "") old_flags = [old_flags] if isinstance(old_flags, list): new_flags = [ flag for flag in old_flags if flag not in to_remove ] + new_flags if attr == "args": new_flags = " ".join(new_flags) while " " in new_flags: new_flags = new_flags.replace(" ", " ") return new_flags if hasattr(self.inputs, "flags"): self.inputs.flags = prep_flags("flags") else: self.inputs.args = prep_flags("args") def _apply_mem_x(self, multiplicand=None): """Calculate and memoize a Node's estimated memory footprint. Parameters ---------- multiplicand : str or int or float or list thereof or 3-or-4-tuple or None Any of * path to file(s) with shape to multiply by multiplier * multiplicand * shape of image to consider with mode Returns ------- number estimated memory usage (GB) """ def parse_multiplicand(multiplicand: Any) -> Optional[int | float]: """Return a numeric value or None for a multiplicand.""" if self._debug: self.verbose_logger.debug( "%s multiplicand: %s",, multiplicand ) if isinstance(multiplicand, list): return max([parse_multiplicand(part) for part in multiplicand]) if isinstance(multiplicand, (int, float)): return multiplicand if ( isinstance(multiplicand, tuple) and 3 <= len(multiplicand) <= 4 # noqa: PLR2004 and all(isinstance(i, (int, float)) for i in multiplicand) ): return get_data_size( multiplicand, getattr(self, "_mem_x", {}).get("mode") ) if _check_mem_x_path(multiplicand): return get_data_size( _grab_first_path(multiplicand), getattr(self, "_mem_x", {}).get("mode"), ) return 1 if hasattr(self, "_mem_x"): if self._debug: self.verbose_logger.debug("%s._mem_x: %s",, self._mem_x) if multiplicand is None: multiplicand = self._mem_x_file() setattr( self, "_mem_gb", ( self._mem_gb + self._mem_x.get("multiplier", 0) * parse_multiplicand(multiplicand) ), ) try: if self._mem_gb > 1000: self.logger.warning( "%s is estimated to use %.3f GB (%s).",, self._mem_gb, getattr(self, "_mem_x"), ) except FileNotFoundError: pass del self._mem_x if self._debug: self.verbose_logger.debug("%s._mem_gb: %s",, self._mem_gb) return self._mem_gb def _apply_random_seed(self): """Apply flags for the first matched interface.""" # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from CPAC.pipeline.random_state import random_seed_flags if isinstance(self.interface, Function): for rsf, flags in random_seed_flags()["functions"].items(): if self.interface.inputs.function_str == getsource(rsf): self.interface.inputs.function_str = flags( self.interface.inputs.function_str ) self.seed_applied = True return for rsf, flags in random_seed_flags()["interfaces"].items(): if isinstance(self.interface, rsf): self._add_flags(flags) self.seed_applied = True return @property def mem_gb(self): """Get estimated memory (GB).""" if hasattr(self._interface, "estimated_memory_gb"): self._mem_gb = self._interface.estimated_memory_gb self.logger.warning( 'Setting "estimated_memory_gb" on Interfaces has been ' "deprecated as of nipype 1.0, please use Node.mem_gb." ) if hasattr(self, "_mem_x"): if self._mem_x["file"] is None: return self._apply_mem_x() try: mem_x_path = getattr(self.inputs, self._mem_x["file"]) except AttributeError as attribute_error: msg = f"{attribute_error.args[0]} in Node '{}'" raise AttributeError(msg) from attribute_error if _check_mem_x_path(mem_x_path): # constant + mem_x[0] * t return self._apply_mem_x() raise FileNotFoundError( 2, "The memory estimate for Node " f"'{}' depends on the input " f"'{self._mem_x['file']}' but " "no such file or directory", mem_x_path, ) return self._mem_gb @property def mem_x(self) -> Optional[dict[str, int | float | str]]: """Get dict of 'multiplier', 'file', and 'multiplier mode'. 'multiplier' is a memory multiplier. 'file' is an input file. 'multiplier mode' is one of - spatial * temporal - spatial only or - temporal only. Returns ``None`` if already consumed or not set. """ return getattr(self, "_mem_x", None) def _mem_x_file(self): return getattr(self.inputs, getattr(self, "_mem_x", {}).get("file"))
[docs] def override_mem_gb(self, new_mem_gb): """Override the Node's memory estimate with a new value. Parameters ---------- new_mem_gb : int or float new memory estimate in GB """ if hasattr(self, "_mem_x"): delattr(self, "_mem_x") setattr(self, "_mem_gb", new_mem_gb)
[docs] def run(self, updatehash=False): self.__doc__ = getattr(super(), "__doc__", "") if self.seed is not None: self._apply_random_seed() if self.seed_applied: random_state_logger = getLogger("random") "%s\t%s", "# (Atropos constant)" if "atropos" in else str(self.seed),, ) return super().run(updatehash)
[docs] class MapNode(Node, pe.MapNode): # pylint: disable=empty-docstring __doc__ = _doctest_skiplines( pe.MapNode.__doc__, {" ... 'functional3.nii']"} )
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not"_"): = f"{}_"
_parameters: ClassVar[dict[str, Parameter]] = {} _custom_params: ClassVar[dict[str, bool | float]] = { "mem_gb": DEFAULT_MEM_GB, "throttle": False, } for param, default in _custom_params.items(): for p in signature(pe.Node).parameters.items(): if p[0] in _custom_params: _parameters[p[0]] = Parameter( param, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, default=default ) else: _parameters[p[0]] = p[1] __init__.__signature__ = Signature(parameters=list(_parameters.values())) del _custom_params, _parameters
[docs] class Workflow(pe.Workflow): """Controls the setup and execution of a pipeline of processes."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, base_dir=None, debug=False): """Create a workflow object. Parameters ---------- name : alphanumeric string unique identifier for the workflow base_dir : string, optional path to workflow storage debug : boolean, optional enable verbose debug-level logging """ import networkx as nx super().__init__(name, base_dir) self._debug = debug self.verbose_logger = getLogger("CPAC.engine") if debug else None self._graph = nx.DiGraph() self._nodes_cache = set() self._nested_workflows_cache = set()
def _configure_exec_nodes(self, graph): """Ensure that each node knows where to get inputs from.""" for node in graph.nodes(): node._debug = self._debug # pylint: disable=protected-access node.verbose_logger = self.verbose_logger node.input_source = {} for edge in graph.in_edges(node): data = graph.get_edge_data(*edge) for sourceinfo, field in data["connect"]: node.input_source[field] = ( os.path.join( edge[0].output_dir(), "result_%s.pklz" % edge[0].name ), sourceinfo, ) if node and hasattr(node, "_mem_x"): if ( isinstance( node._mem_x, # pylint: disable=protected-access dict, ) and node._mem_x["file"] # pylint: disable=protected-access == field ): input_resultfile = node.input_source.get(field) if input_resultfile: # pylint: disable=protected-access if isinstance(input_resultfile, tuple): input_resultfile = input_resultfile[0] try: # memoize node._mem_gb if path # already exists node._apply_mem_x( _load_resultfile(input_resultfile).inputs[field] ) except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError, TypeError): self._handle_just_in_time_exception(node) def _get_dot( self, prefix=None, hierarchy=None, colored=False, simple_form=True, level=0 ): """Create a dot file with connection info.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name,protected-access import networkx as nx if prefix is None: prefix = " " if hierarchy is None: hierarchy = [] colorset = [ "#FFFFC8", # Y "#0000FF", "#B4B4FF", "#E6E6FF", # B "#FF0000", "#FFB4B4", "#FFE6E6", # R "#00A300", "#B4FFB4", "#E6FFE6", # G "#0000FF", "#B4B4FF", ] # loop B if level > len(colorset) - 2: level = 3 # Loop back to blue quoted_prefix = f'"{prefix}"' if len(prefix.strip()) else prefix dotlist = [f'{quoted_prefix}label="{}";'] for node in nx.topological_sort(self._graph): fullname = ".".join([*hierarchy, node.fullname]) nodename = fullname.replace(".", "_") if not isinstance(node, Workflow): node_class_name = get_print_name(node, simple_form=simple_form) if not simple_form: node_class_name = ".".join(node_class_name.split(".")[1:]) if hasattr(node, "iterables") and node.iterables: dotlist.append( f'"{nodename}"[label="{node_class_name}", ' "shape=box3d, style=filled, color=black, " "colorscheme=greys7 fillcolor=2];" ) elif colored: dotlist.append( f'"{nodename}"[label="' f'{node_class_name}", style=filled,' f' fillcolor="{colorset[level]}"];' ) else: dotlist.append(f'"{nodename}"[label="' f'{node_class_name}"];') for node in nx.topological_sort(self._graph): if isinstance(node, Workflow): fullname = ".".join([*hierarchy, node.fullname]) nodename = fullname.replace(".", "_") dotlist.append(f'subgraph "cluster_{nodename}" {{') if colored: dotlist.append( f'{prefix}{prefix}edge [color="' f'{colorset[level + 1]}"];' ) dotlist.append(f"{prefix}{prefix}style=filled;") dotlist.append( f"{prefix}{prefix}fillcolor=" f'"{colorset[level + 2]}";' ) dotlist.append( node._get_dot( prefix=prefix + prefix, hierarchy=[*hierarchy,], colored=colored, simple_form=simple_form, level=level + 3, ) ) dotlist.append("}") else: for subnode in self._graph.successors(node): if node._hierarchy != subnode._hierarchy: continue if not isinstance(subnode, Workflow): nodefullname = ".".join([*hierarchy, node.fullname]) subnodefullname = ".".join([*hierarchy, subnode.fullname]) nodename = nodefullname.replace(".", "_") subnodename = subnodefullname.replace(".", "_") for _ in self._graph.get_edge_data(node, subnode)["connect"]: dotlist.append(f'"{nodename}" -> "{subnodename}";') WFLOGGER.debug("connection: %s", dotlist[-1]) # add between workflow connections for u, v, d in self._graph.edges(data=True): uname = ".".join([*hierarchy, u.fullname]) vname = ".".join([*hierarchy, v.fullname]) for src, dest in d["connect"]: uname1 = uname vname1 = vname if isinstance(src, tuple): srcname = src[0] else: srcname = src if "." in srcname: uname1 += "." + ".".join(srcname.split(".")[:-1]) if "." in dest and "@" not in dest: if not isinstance(v, Workflow): if "datasink" not in str(v._interface.__class__).lower(): vname1 += "." + ".".join(dest.split(".")[:-1]) else: vname1 += "." + ".".join(dest.split(".")[:-1]) if uname1.split(".")[:-1] != vname1.split(".")[:-1]: dotlist.append( f'"{uname1.replace(".", "_")}" -> ' f'"{vname1.replace(".", "_")}";' ) WFLOGGER.debug("cross connection: %s", dotlist[-1]) return ("\n" + prefix).join(dotlist) def _handle_just_in_time_exception(self, node): # pylint: disable=protected-access if hasattr(self, "_local_func_scans"): node._apply_mem_x(self._local_func_scans) # pylint: disable=no-member else: # TODO: handle S3 files node._apply_mem_x(UNDEFINED_SIZE)
[docs] def write_graph( self, dotfilename="", graph2use="hierarchical", format="png", # noqa: A002 simple_form=True, ): graphtypes = ["orig", "flat", "hierarchical", "exec", "colored"] if graph2use not in graphtypes: raise ValueError( "Unknown graph2use keyword. Must be one of: " + str(graphtypes) ) base_dir, dotfilename = os.path.split(dotfilename) if base_dir == "": if self.base_dir: base_dir = self.base_dir if base_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, else: base_dir = os.getcwd() os.makedirs(base_dir, exist_ok=True) if graph2use in ["hierarchical", "colored"]: if[:1].isdigit(): # these graphs break if int msg = ( f"{graph2use} graph failed, workflow name " "cannot begin with a number" ) raise ValueError(msg) dotfilename = os.path.join(base_dir, dotfilename) self.write_hierarchical_dotfile( dotfilename=dotfilename, colored=graph2use == "colored", simple_form=simple_form, ) outfname = format_dot(dotfilename, format=format) else: graph = self._graph if graph2use in ["flat", "exec"]: graph = self._create_flat_graph() if graph2use == "exec": graph = generate_expanded_graph(deepcopy(graph)) outfname = export_graph( graph, base_dir, dotfilename=dotfilename, format=format, simple_form=simple_form, ) "Generated workflow graph: %s (graph2use=%s, simple_form=%s).", outfname, graph2use, simple_form, ) return outfname
write_graph.__doc__ = pe.Workflow.write_graph.__doc__ def write_hierarchical_dotfile( self, dotfilename=None, colored=False, simple_form=True ): # pylint: disable=invalid-name dotlist = [f'digraph "{}"{{'] dotlist.append( self._get_dot(prefix=" ", colored=colored, simple_form=simple_form) ) dotlist.append("}") dotstr = "\n".join(dotlist) if dotfilename: with open(dotfilename, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.writelines(dotstr) fp.close() else:
def get_data_size(filepath, mode="xyzt"): """Return the size of a functional image (x * y * z * t). Parameters ---------- filepath : str or path path to image file OR 4-tuple stand-in dimensions (x, y, z, t) mode : str One of: * 'xyzt' (all dimensions multiplied) (DEFAULT) * 'xyz' (spatial dimensions multiplied) * 't' (number of TRs) Returns ------- int or float """ if isinstance(filepath, str): data_shape = load(filepath).shape elif isinstance(filepath, tuple) and len(filepath) == 4: # noqa: PLR2004 data_shape = filepath if mode == "t": # if the data has muptiple TRs, return that number if len(data_shape) > 3: # noqa: PLR2004 return data_shape[3] # otherwise return 1 return 1 if mode == "xyz": return prod(data_shape[0:3]).item() return prod(data_shape).item() def export_graph( graph_in, base_dir=None, show=False, use_execgraph=False, show_connectinfo=False, dotfilename="", format="png", # noqa: A002 simple_form=True, ): """Display the graph layout of the pipeline. This function requires that pygraphviz and matplotlib are available on the system. Parameters ---------- show : boolean Indicate whether to generate pygraphviz output fromn networkx. default [False] use_execgraph : boolean Indicates whether to use the specification graph or the execution graph. default [False] show_connectioninfo : boolean Indicates whether to show the edge data on the graph. This makes the graph rather cluttered. default [False] """ import networkx as nx graph = deepcopy(graph_in) if use_execgraph: graph = generate_expanded_graph(graph) WFLOGGER.debug("using execgraph") else: WFLOGGER.debug("using input graph") if base_dir is None: base_dir = os.getcwd() os.makedirs(base_dir, exist_ok=True) out_dot = fname_presuffix( dotfilename, suffix="", use_ext=False, newpath=base_dir ) _write_detailed_dot(graph, out_dot) # Convert .dot if format != 'dot' outfname, res = _run_dot(out_dot, format_ext=format) if res is not None and res.runtime.returncode: WFLOGGER.warning("dot2png: %s", res.runtime.stderr) pklgraph = _create_dot_graph(graph, show_connectinfo, simple_form) simple_dot = fname_presuffix( dotfilename, suffix=".dot", use_ext=False, newpath=base_dir ) nx.drawing.nx_pydot.write_dot(pklgraph, simple_dot) # Convert .dot if format != 'dot' simplefname, res = _run_dot(simple_dot, format_ext=format) if res is not None and res.runtime.returncode: WFLOGGER.warning("dot2png: %s", res.runtime.stderr) if show: pos = nx.graphviz_layout(pklgraph, prog="dot") nx.draw(pklgraph, pos) if show_connectinfo: nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(pklgraph, pos) return simplefname if simple_form else outfname def _write_detailed_dot(graph, dotfilename): r""" Create a dot file with connection info :: digraph structs { node [shape=record]; struct1 [label="<f0> left|<f1> middle|<f2> right"]; struct2 [label="<f0> one|<f1> two"]; struct3 [label="hello\nworld |{ b |{c|<here> d|e}| f}| g | h"]; struct1:f1 -> struct2:f0; struct1:f0 -> struct2:f1; struct1:f2 -> struct3:here; } """ # noqa: D205,D400 # pylint: disable=invalid-name import networkx as nx text = ["digraph structs {", "node [shape=record];"] # write nodes edges = [] for n in nx.topological_sort(graph): nodename = n.itername inports = [] for u, v, d in graph.in_edges(nbunch=n, data=True): for cd in d["connect"]: if isinstance(cd[0], (str, bytes)): outport = cd[0] else: outport = cd[0][0] inport = cd[1] ipstrip = f"in{_replacefunk(inport)}" opstrip = f"out{_replacefunk(outport)}" edges.append( f'"{u.itername.replace(".", "")}":' f'"{opstrip}":e -> ' f'"{v.itername.replace(".", "")}":' f'"{ipstrip}":w;' ) if inport not in inports: inports.append(inport) inputstr = ( ["{IN"] + [f"|<in{_replacefunk(ip)}> {ip}" for ip in sorted(inports)] + ["}"] ) outports = [] for u, v, d in graph.out_edges(nbunch=n, data=True): for cd in d["connect"]: if isinstance(cd[0], (str, bytes)): outport = cd[0] else: outport = cd[0][0] if outport not in outports: outports.append(outport) outputstr = ( ["{OUT"] + [f"|<out{_replacefunk(oport)}> {oport}" for oport in sorted(outports)] + ["}"] ) srcpackage = "" if hasattr(n, "_interface"): pkglist = n.interface.__class__.__module__.split(".") if len(pkglist) > 2: # noqa: PLR2004 srcpackage = pkglist[2] srchierarchy = ".".join(nodename.split(".")[1:-1]) nodenamestr = f"{{ {nodename.split('.')[-1]} | {srcpackage} | {srchierarchy} }}" text += [ f'"{nodename.replace(".", "")}" [label=' f'"{"".join(inputstr)}|{nodenamestr}|{"".join(outputstr)}"];' ] # write edges for edge in sorted(edges): text.append(edge) text.append("}") with open(dotfilename, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as filep: filep.write("\n".join(text)) return text