Source code for CPAC.utils.configuration.yaml_template

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2022-2024  C-PAC Developers

# This file is part of C-PAC.

# C-PAC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.

# C-PAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with C-PAC. If not, see <>.
"""Functions to create YAML configuration files from templates."""

from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from hashlib import sha1
import os
import re
from typing import Optional

from click import BadParameter
import yaml

from CPAC.utils.configuration import Configuration, preconfig_yaml, Preconfiguration
from CPAC.utils.monitoring import UTLOGGER
from CPAC.utils.utils import update_config_dict, update_pipeline_values_1_8, YAML_BOOLS

YAML_LOOKUP = {yaml_str: key for key, value in YAML_BOOLS.items() for yaml_str in value}

[docs] class YamlTemplate: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """A class to link YAML comments to the contents of a YAML file. Attributes ---------- comments : dict Flat dictionary with ``'.'``-delimited pseudo-nested structure. E.g., comments for ``{'pipeline_setup': {'pipeline_name': value}}`` would be keyed ``{'pipeline_setup': comment0, 'pipeline_setup.pipeline_name: comment1}`` to allow comments at each level of depth. dump : method get_nested : method original : str """ def __init__(self, original_yaml, base_config=None): """Initialize a YamlTemplate. Parameters ---------- original_yaml : str raw YAML or path to YAML file base_config : Configuration, optional """ try: original_yaml = preconfig_yaml(original_yaml) except BadParameter: pass if os.path.exists(original_yaml): with open(original_yaml, "r", encoding="utf-8") as _f: original_yaml = self.comments = {} self.template = original_yaml if base_config is None: if isinstance(self.template, dict): self._dict = self.template if isinstance(self.template, str): self._dict = yaml.safe_load(self.template) else: self._dict = base_config.dict() self._parse_comments() get_nested = Configuration.get_nested
[docs] def dump(self, new_dict, parents=None): """Dump YAML from a new dictionary with comments from template dictionary. Parameters ---------- new_dict : dict parents : list of str Returns ------- str """ # SSOT FSLDIR try: # Get from current config fsldir = self.get_nested( new_dict, ["pipeline_setup", "system_config", "FSLDIR"] ) except KeyError: # Get from imported base fsldir = self.get_nested( self._dict, ["pipeline_setup", "system_config", "FSLDIR"] ) # Add YAML version directive to top of document and ensure # C-PAC version comment and 'FROM' are at the top of the YAML # output if parents is None: parents = [] _dump = ["%YAML 1.1", "---"] if "pipeline_setup" not in new_dict: new_dict["pipeline_setup"] = None else: _dump = [] # Prepare for indentation line_level = len(parents) # Get a safely mutable copy of the dict loop_dict = deepcopy( self.get_nested(new_dict, parents) if parents else new_dict ) # Grab special key to print first import_from = loop_dict.pop("FROM", None) # Iterate through mutated dict for key in loop_dict: # List of progressively-indented key strings keys = [*parents, key] # Comments are stored in a flat dictionary with # '.'-delimited pseudonested keys comment = self.comments.get(".".join(keys)) # This exception should only happen from mutations # introduced this function try: value = self.get_nested(new_dict, keys) except KeyError: # exclude unincluded keys continue # Print comment if there's one above this key in the template if comment: if key != "pipeline_setup": _dump += [""] # Add a blank line above the comment _dump += [indent(line_level, 0) + line for line in comment] # Print 'FROM' between preamble comment and rest of config # if applicable if key == "pipeline_setup" and import_from is not None: _dump += [f"FROM: {import_from}", ""] # Apply indentation to key indented_key = f"{indent(line_level, 0)}{key}:" # Print YAML-formatted value if value is not None: # SSOT FSLDIR if isinstance(value, str) and fsldir in value and key != "FSLDIR": value = re.sub( r"\$*FSLDIR", "$FSLDIR", value.replace(fsldir, "$FSLDIR") ) if isinstance(value, dict): _dump += [indented_key, self.dump(new_dict, keys)] elif isinstance(value, list): list_line = _format_list_items(value, line_level) if "\n" in list_line: _dump += [indented_key, *list_line.split("\n")] else: _dump += [f"{indented_key} {list_line}"] elif isinstance(value, bool) or ( isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() in YAML_LOOKUP ): if isinstance(value, str): value = YAML_LOOKUP[value.lower()] value = "On" if value is True else "Off" _dump += [f"{indented_key} {value}"] else: _dump += [f"{indented_key} {value}"] elif key != "pipeline_setup": _dump += [indented_key] # Normalize line spacing and return YAML string return re.sub("\n{3,}", "\n\n", "\n".join(_dump)).rstrip() + "\n"
def _parse_comments(self): # Split YAML into lines yaml_lines = self.template.split("\n") # Initialize comment and key comment = [] key = [] for line in yaml_lines: # Calculate indentation line_level = _count_indent(line) # Remove indentation and trailing whitespace stripped_line = line.strip() # Collect a line of a comment if stripped_line.startswith("#"): comment.append(stripped_line) # If a line is not a comment line: elif not any(stripped_line.startswith(seq) for seq in ("%YAML", "---")): # If the line is a key if ":" in stripped_line: # Set the key for the comments dictionary line_key = stripped_line.split(":", 1)[0].strip() if line_level == 0: key = [line_key] else: key = [*key[:line_level], line_key] # Store the full list of comment lines self.comments[".".join(key)] = comment # Reset the comment variable to collect the next comment comment = []
def _count_indent(line): """Determine indentation level. Parameters ---------- line : str Returns ------- number_of_indents : int Examples -------- >>> _count_indent('No indent') 0 >>> _count_indent(' Four spaces') 2 """ return (len(line) - len(line.lstrip())) // 2
[docs] def create_yaml_from_template( d: Configuration | dict, # pylint: disable=invalid-name template: str = "default", import_from: Optional[str] = None, skip_env_check: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> str: """Save dictionary to a YAML file, keeping the structure from the template. For example, first level comments and ordering. It may not be fully robust to YAML structures, but it works for C-PAC config files! Parameters ---------- d : dict or Configuration template : str path to template, name of preconfig, or YAML as a string import_from : str, optional name of a preconfig. Full config is generated if omitted skip_env_check : bool, optional skip environment check (for validating a config without running) Examples -------- >>> import yaml >>> from CPAC.utils.configuration import Configuration, Preconfiguration >>> Configuration(yaml.safe_load(create_yaml_from_template({}))).dict( ... ) == Configuration({}).dict() True >>> fmriprep_options = Preconfiguration('fmriprep-options') >>> fmriprep_options - Configuration({}) != {} True >>> fmriprep_options - fmriprep_options {} >>> fmriprep_options - Preconfiguration('fmriprep-options') {} >>> fmriprep_options - Configuration({'FROM': 'fmriprep-options'}) {} >>> fmriprep_options - Configuration(yaml.safe_load( ... create_yaml_from_template(fmriprep_options, import_from=None))) {} >>> fmriprep_options - Configuration(yaml.safe_load( ... create_yaml_from_template(fmriprep_options, ... import_from='default'))) {} >>> fmriprep_options - Configuration(yaml.safe_load( ... create_yaml_from_template(fmriprep_options, import_from='blank'))) {} >>> different_sca = Configuration({'pipeline_setup': { ... 'pipeline_name': 'different_SCA'}, ... 'seed_based_correlation_analysis': {'run': 'y', ... 'norm_timeseries_for_DR': 'Off'}}) >>> (Configuration(yaml.safe_load(create_yaml_from_template( ... different_sca))) - Configuration()).get( ... 'seed_based_correlation_analysis') not in (None, {}) True """ if import_from is None: # full config d = d.dict() if isinstance(d, Configuration) else d base_config = None else: # config based on preconfig d = Configuration(d) if not isinstance(d, Configuration) else d base_config = Preconfiguration(import_from, skip_env_check=skip_env_check) d = (d - base_config).left d.update({"FROM": import_from}) yaml_template = YamlTemplate(template, base_config) return yaml_template.dump(new_dict=d)
def _format_list_items( l: list, # noqa: E741 # pylint:disable=invalid-name line_level: int, short_list_length: int = 50, ) -> str: """Handle lists in the YAML. Parameters ---------- l : list line_level : int Returns ------- yaml : str Examples -------- >>> print(_format_list_items([1, 2, {'nested': 3}], 0)) - 1 - 2 - nested: 3 >>> print( ... _format_list_items([1, 2, {'nested': [3, {'deep': [4]}]}], 1)) - 1 - 2 - nested: - 3 - deep: - 4 """ # keep short, simple lists in square brackets if all(isinstance(item, (str, bool, int, float)) for item in l): preformat = str([yaml_bool(item) for item in l]) if len(preformat) < short_list_length: return preformat.replace("'", "").replace('"', "") # list long or complex lists on lines with indented '-' lead-ins return "\n".join( [ f"{indent(line_level)}{li}" for li in yaml.dump(yaml_bool(l), sort_keys=False) .replace("'On'", "On") .replace("'Off'", "Off") .split("\n") ] ).rstrip()
[docs] def hash_data_config(sub_list): """Generate a short SHA1 hash from a data config subject list of dicts. Parameters ---------- sub_list : list of dicts Returns ------- data_config_hash : str, len(8) Examples -------- >>> sub_list = [{'site_id': f'site{i}', 'subject_id': f'sub{i}', ... 'unique_id': f'uid{i}'} for i in range(1, 4)] >>> sub_list[0] {'site_id': 'site1', 'subject_id': 'sub1', 'unique_id': 'uid1'} >>> hash_data_config(sub_list) '6f49a278' """ return sha1( "_".join( [ ",".join([run.get(key, "") for run in sub_list]) for key in ["site_id", "subject_id", "unique_id"] ] ).encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest()[:8]
[docs] def indent(line_level, plus=2): """Return an indent string for a given level. Parameters ---------- line_level : int The level of indentation to return Returns ------- str The string of spaces to use for indentation """ return " " * (2 * line_level + plus)
[docs] def yaml_bool(value): """Give On/Off value to bools. Parameters ---------- value : any Returns ------- value : any Examples -------- >>> yaml_bool(True) 'On' >>> yaml_bool([False, 'On', True]) ['Off', 'On', 'On'] """ if isinstance(value, str): lookup_value = value.lower() if lookup_value in YAML_LOOKUP: value = YAML_LOOKUP[lookup_value] elif isinstance(value, list): return [yaml_bool(item) for item in value] elif isinstance(value, dict): # if 'Name' is a key, promote that item to the top return { **({"Name": value["Name"]} if "Name" in value else {}), **{k: yaml_bool(value[k]) for k in value if k != "Name"}, } if isinstance(value, bool): if value: return "On" return "Off" return value
[docs] def upgrade_pipeline_to_1_8(path): """Upgrade a C-PAC 1.7 pipeline config to C-PAC 1.8. Parameters ---------- path : str Returns ------- None Outputs ------- {path}.{now}.bak original file path upgraded file """ # back up original config now = datetime.isoformat(":", "_") backup = f"{path}.{now}.bak""Backing up %s to %s and upgrading to C-PAC 1.8", path, backup) with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as _f: original = with open(backup, "w", encoding="utf-8") as _f: _f.write(original) # upgrade and overwrite orig_dict = yaml.safe_load(original) # set Regressor 'Name's if not provided regressors = orig_dict.get("Regressors") if isinstance(regressors, list): for i, regressor in enumerate(regressors): if "Name" not in regressor: regressor["Name"] = f"Regressor-{i + 1!s}" if "pipelineName" in orig_dict and len(original.strip()): middle_dict, leftovers_dict, _complete_dict = update_config_dict(orig_dict) with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as _f: _f.write(create_yaml_from_template(update_pipeline_values_1_8(middle_dict))) if leftovers_dict: with open(f"{path}.rem", "w", encoding="utf-8") as _f: _f.write(yaml.dump(leftovers_dict))
[docs] def update_a_preconfig(preconfig, import_from): """Update a preconfig with comments from another config. Parameters ---------- preconfig : str import_from : str """"Updating %s preconfig…", preconfig) updated = create_yaml_from_template( Preconfiguration(preconfig, skip_env_check=True), import_from=import_from, skip_env_check=True, ) with open(preconfig_yaml(preconfig), "w", encoding="utf-8") as _f: _f.write(updated)
[docs] def update_all_preconfigs(): """Update all other preconfigs with comments from default.""" from CPAC.pipeline import ALL_PIPELINE_CONFIGS not_from_blank = ( "anat-only", "blank", "default", "fx-options", "nhp-macaque", "preproc", "rbc-options", ) update_a_preconfig("blank", None) for preconfig in ("anat-only", "preproc"): update_a_preconfig(preconfig, "default") for preconfig in ("fx-options", "rbc-options"): update_a_preconfig(preconfig, "fmriprep-options") update_a_preconfig("nhp-macaque", "monkey") for preconfig in (_ for _ in ALL_PIPELINE_CONFIGS if _ not in not_from_blank): update_a_preconfig(preconfig, "blank")
if __name__ == "__main__": update_all_preconfigs()