# CPAC/utils/test_init.py
# Copyright (C) 2015-2024 C-PAC Developers
# This file is part of C-PAC.
# C-PAC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# C-PAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with C-PAC. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Contributing authors (please append):
# Daniel Clark
# Jon Clucas
"""Assist in initializing CPAC tests resources."""
from typing import Optional
from nipype.interfaces.utility import IdentityInterface
from CPAC.pipeline.nipype_pipeline_engine import Node
from CPAC.utils.monitoring import UTLOGGER
def create_dummy_node(name: str, fields: Optional[list[str]] = None):
Create a dummy IdentityInterface source for upstream resources.
name : str
a name for the dummy Node
fields : list of str, optional
a list of resources to be present in the created Node. If not
provided, the only resource will be called 'resource'
if fields is None:
fields = ["resource"]
return Node(IdentityInterface(fields=fields), name=name)
# Return tests data config file
def populate_template_config(config_type: str) -> str:
Populate a template config file from CPAC_RESOURCE_DIR with actual filepaths.
config_type : string
config file to populate; accepts 'data_config' and
config_test : string
filepath to the newly written config file for testing
# Import packages
import os
# Init variables
resource_dir = return_resource_dir()
templates_dir = return_resource_subfolder("templates")
yamls = ["data_config", "pipeline_config"]
# Check config type and build path
if config_type in yamls:
ext = ".yml"
out_name = "configs"
# Check if it's supported, otherwise raise an Exception
err_msg = "config_type parameter: %s is unsupported" % config_type
raise Exception(err_msg)
# Get template and output paths
template_path = os.path.join(templates_dir, config_type + ext)
output_dir = return_resource_subfolder(out_name)
output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, config_type + ext)
# Open the files
tmp_f = open(template_path, "r")
out_f = open(output_path, "w")
# Replace 'RESOURCE_DIR' string with actual directory
for line in tmp_f:
out_f.write(line.replace("RESOURCE_DIR", resource_dir))
# Close file objects
# Return filepath
return output_path
# Populate all of the template paths
def populate_all_templates():
Populate all of the template files.
# Import packages
# Init variables
outputs = []
config_types = [
# Populate all of the config templates with actual paths
for config_type in config_types:
output = populate_template_config(config_type)
# Check that they all returned a value
if len(outputs) == len(config_types):
UTLOGGER.info("Successfully populated and saved templates!")
err_msg = "Something went wrong during template population"
raise Exception(err_msg)
# Get the AWS credentials
def return_aws_creds():
Return the AWS credentials file given by the CPAC_AWS_CREDS environment variable.
aws_creds : string
filepath to the AWS credentials with access key id and secret
access key
# Import packages
import os
# Init variables
creds_path = os.getenv("CPAC_AWS_CREDS")
# Check if set
if not creds_path:
"CPAC_AWS_CREDS environment variable not set!\n"
"Set this to the filepath location of your AWS credentials."
creds_path = input("Enter path to AWS credentials file: ")
return creds_path
# Get the default test bucket name
def default_bucket_name():
Return the default S3 bucket name used in test suite.
bucket_name : string
default S3 bucket name for testing
# Set default bucket name
return "fcp-indi"
# Return bucket name
# Grab all nifti files within directory
def return_all_niis(base_dir):
Walk through a base directory and all subsequent files.
Return the filepaths of all nifti files found.
base_dir : string
filepath to the base directory to search through
nii_list : list
a list of filepath strings of the nifti files found in base_dir
# Import packages
import os
# Init variables
nii_list = []
# Collect computed outputs
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir):
if files:
[os.path.join(root, file) for file in files if file.endswith(".nii.gz")]
# Return the list of files
return nii_list
# Download the CPAC resource dir from S3
def download_cpac_resources_from_s3(local_base):
Download the CPAC testing resources directory from S3.
local_base : string
the local directory to save the 'cpac_resources' contents
# Import packages
import os
from indi_aws import aws_utils, fetch_creds
# Init variables
bucket_name = default_bucket_name()
resource_folder = "cpac_resources"
s3_prefix = os.path.join("data/test_resources", resource_folder)
# Get bucket object
bucket = fetch_creds.return_bucket(None, bucket_name)
# Gather files from bucket
for obj in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=s3_prefix):
bkey = obj.key
# If the object is just a folder, move on to next object
if bkey.endswith("/"):
# Form local path from key
local_path = os.path.join(
local_base, bkey.split(resource_folder)[-1].lstrip("/")
# Make download directories
local_dir = os.path.dirname(local_path)
if not os.path.exists(local_dir):
# Download file if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(local_path):
bkey, local_path, Callback=aws_utils.ProgressPercentage(obj)
# Print done
UTLOGGER.info("CPAC resources folder in %s is complete!", local_base)
# Look for CPAC_RESOURCE_DIR to be in environment
def return_resource_dir():
Return the filepath of the CPAC_RESOURCE_DIR.
Note the CPAC_RESOURCE_DIR environment variable must be set.
resource_dir : string
the file path on disk where the cpac resources folder is
# Import packages
import os
# Init variables
resource_dir = os.getenv("CPAC_RESOURCE_DIR")
# Check if set
if not resource_dir:
# Print notification of cpac resources directory
"CPAC_RESOURCE_DIR environment variable not set! Enter directory of the"
" cpac_resources folder.\n\n*If the folder does not exist, it will be"
" downloaded under the directory specified."
# Get user input
resource_dir = input("Enter C-PAC resources directory: ")
# Check and download any new or missing resources from S3 copy
except Exception as exc:
err_msg = (
"There was a problem downloading the cpac_resources "
"folder from S3.\nError: %s" % exc
raise Exception(err_msg)
return resource_dir
# Return any subfolder of the resource directory
def return_resource_subfolder(subfolder):
Funnction to return subfolders of the CPAC_RESOURCE_DIR.
subfolder : string
subfolder name to return path of
resource_subfolder : string
filepath to the resource subfolder
# Import packages
import os
# Init variables
resource_dir = return_resource_dir()
in_settings = ["configs", "creds", "resources", "subject_lists", "templates"]
# Check if its a sub-subfolder
if subfolder in in_settings:
resource_subfolder = os.path.join(resource_dir, "settings", subfolder)
resource_subfolder = os.path.join(resource_dir, subfolder)
# Return subfolder
return resource_subfolder
# Return test strategies obj file
def return_strats_obj():
Return the file path of the strategies obj file from the CPAC_RESOURCE_DIR.
strats_obj : string
filepath to the strategies obj file
# Import packages
import os
# Init variables
settings_dir = return_resource_subfolder("resources")
# Get strategies obj
return os.path.join(settings_dir, "strategies_test.obj")
# Return filepath
# Return tests subject list
def return_subject_list():
Return the file path of the subject list file from the CPAC_RESOURCE_DIR.
subject_list : string
filepath to the subject list yaml file
# Import packages
import os
# Init variables
config_dir = return_resource_subfolder("subject_lists")
# Get sublist
return os.path.join(config_dir, "CPAC_subject_list_test.yml")
# Return filepath
# Return the test subjects measure directories
def return_subj_measure_dirs(measure):
Grab the base directories of subject's output files for a given measure or workflow.
measure : string
the measure or workflow or derivative of interest to parse for;
this must be the folder name where all of the subject's test
outputs are located (e.g. 'network_centrality')
subj_measure_dirs : list
a list of strings of the base directories for each instance of
the desired measure folder within the test subjects outputs
# Import packages
import glob
import os
# Init variables
test_subj = return_test_subj()
outputs_dir = return_resource_subfolder("output")
# Root directories (cpac_resources/output/reg/subj_sess/scan/measure/..)
subj_measure_dirs = glob.glob(
os.path.join(outputs_dir, "*", "%s*" % test_subj, "*", measure)
# Check to see if the directories exist
if len(subj_measure_dirs) == 0:
err_msg = "Unable to find any subject directories for the %s measure." % measure
raise Exception(err_msg)
# Return base directories for test measures outputs
return subj_measure_dirs
# Get subject for individual tests
def return_test_subj():
Return the subject id.
Note the CPAC_RESOURCE_DIR environment variable must be set.
resource_dir : string
the file path on disk where the cpac resources folder is
# Import packages
import os
# Init variables
test_subj = os.getenv("CPAC_TEST_SUBJ")
# Get cpac resource directory and get a list of subject folders
input_dir = return_resource_subfolder("input")
site_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, "site_1")
# Get list of subject directories
subs = os.listdir(site_dir)
# Check if set and exists
if not test_subj:
UTLOGGER.error("CPAC_TEST_SUBJ environment variable not set!")
# Get user input
test_subj = input("Enter C-PAC benchmark test subject id: ")
# Check to make sure their input files exist
if test_subj not in subs:
err_msg = (
"Test subject %s is not in the cpac_resources subject "
"directory %s. Please specify different CPAC_TEST_SUBJ."
% (test_subj, site_dir)
raise Exception(err_msg)
return test_subj
# Smooth nifti file
def smooth_nii_file(self, nii_file, fwhm, mask_file=None):
Gaussian smooth nifti files and optionally use a mask on the smoothed data.
nii_file : string
filepath to the nifti file to smooth
fwhm : float
FWHM for Gaussian smoothing kernel, in mm
mask_file : string (optional); default=None
filepath to the mask file to use
smooth_arr : numpy.ndarray
smoothed nifti image as a numpy array
# Import packages
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import scipy.ndimage
# Init variables
raw_nii = nib.load(nii_file)
raw_arr = raw_nii.get_fdata()
# Check parameters
if mask_file:
mask_arr = nib.load(mask_file).get_fdata()
# Check the mask shape matches the raw nifti
if mask_arr.shape != raw_arr.shape:
err_msg = (
"Mask file has different dimensions than nifti.\n"
"Check the paths are correct and try again."
raise Exception(err_msg)
# Calculate sigma for smoothing
mm_res = np.abs(raw_nii.affine[0][0])
sigma = fwhm / 2.3548 / mm_res
# Smooth input
smooth_arr = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(raw_arr, sigma, order=0)
# And mask if using one (this writes it to a 1d array)
if mask_arr:
smooth_out = smooth_arr[mask_arr.astype("bool")]
smooth_arr = np.zeros(mask_arr.shape, dtype=float)
# Get mask coordinates and populate smoothed image
coords = np.argwhere(mask_arr)
for idx, xyz in enumerate(coords):
x, y, z = xyz
smooth_arr[x, y, z] = smooth_out[idx]
# Return the smoothed array
return smooth_arr
def download_resource_from_s3(s3_url_path):
"""Download test resource from S3 bucket."""
# Import packages
import os
import tempfile
import urllib.error
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
# Init variables
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
url_open = urllib.request.URLopener()
base_name = os.path.basename(s3_url_path)
dl_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, base_name)
# Download file
url_open.retrieve(s3_url_path, dl_path)
# Return the downloaded path
return dl_path
# Setup log file
def setup_test_logger(logger_name, log_file, level, to_screen=False):
Initialize and configure a logger that can write to file and (optionally) the screen.
logger_name : string
name of the logger
log_file : string
file path to the log file on disk
level : integer
indicates the level at which the logger should log; this is
controlled by integers that come with the python logging
package. (e.g. logging.INFO=20, logging.DEBUG=10)
to_screen : boolean (optional)
flag to indicate whether to enable logging to the screen
logger : logging.Logger object
Python logging.Logger object which is capable of logging run-
time information about the program to file and/or screen
# Import packages
import logging
from CPAC.utils.monitoring.custom_logging import getLogger
# Init logger, formatter, filehandler, streamhandler
logger = getLogger(logger_name)
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s : %(message)s")
# Write logs to file
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)
# Write to screen, if desired
if to_screen:
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
# Return the logger
return logger
def pearson_correlation(nii_1, nii_2):
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
data_1 = nib.load(nii_1).get_fdata()
data_2 = nib.load(nii_2).get_fdata()
R = np.corrcoef(data_1.flatten(), data_2.flatten())
return R[0, 1]
# Calculate concordance correlation coefficient
def concordance(x, y):
Return the concordance correlation coefficient as defined by Lin (1989).
x : list or array
a list of array of length N of numbers
y : list or array
a list of array of length N of numbers
rho_c : numpy.float32
the concordance value as a float
# Import packages
import numpy as np
# Usage errors check
x_shape = np.shape(x)
y_shape = np.shape(y)
if len(x_shape) != 1 or len(y_shape) != 1:
err_msg = "Inputs must be 1D lists or arrays."
raise ValueError(err_msg)
if x_shape != y_shape:
err_msg = (
"Length of the two inputs must be equal.\n"
"Length of x: %d\nLength of y: %d" % (len(x), len(y))
raise ValueError(err_msg)
# Init variables
x_arr = np.array(x).astype("float64")
y_arr = np.array(y).astype("float64")
# Get pearson correlation
rho = np.corrcoef(x_arr, y_arr)[0][1]
# Get stdevs
sigma_x = np.std(x_arr)
sigma_y = np.std(y_arr)
# Get means
mu_x = np.mean(x_arr)
mu_y = np.mean(y_arr)
# Comput condordance
return (2 * rho * sigma_x * sigma_y) / (
sigma_x**2 + sigma_y**2 + (mu_x - mu_y) ** 2
# Return variables