Version 0.1.6 Alpha - 2013.01.21

  1. Fix logger in tool

  2. Nuisance code Refactoring

  3. Fixed ROI names in SCA

  4. Added Import for create_fsl_model in local

  5. Added New Pipeline names

  6. Fixed Pipeline Naming bug when package is installed

  7. Centrality fix to handle NAN correlation values

  8. Generate ROI nifti files using user co-ordinates

  9. Fix output directory structure to handle multiple model run with single subject list

  10. Fix in Group Analysis, to get 4D EPI as per input subject list

  11. Boundary Based Registration becomes the default registration

  12. New Alff/fAlff workflow

  13. Updates in config file to accomodate new features

  14. Fix to append unit of time(in TR) in slice timing correction: get_scan_parameters

  15. Minor changes in create_fsl_model : replace ‘#’ in output csv name with ‘__’

  16. Feature addition to clear subject level working directory

  17. Added Exception to handle missing dependancy for pygraphviz

  18. Added script to consolidate motion parameters