Source code for CPAC.utils.create_flame_model_files

[docs]def create_dummy_string(length): ppstring = "" for i in range(0, length): ppstring += '\t' + '%1.5e' %(1.0) ppstring += '\n' return ppstring
[docs]def write_mat_file(design_matrix, output_dir, model_name, \ depatsified_EV_names, current_output=None): import os import numpy as np dimx = None dimy = None if len(design_matrix.shape) == 1: dimy = 1 dimx = design_matrix.shape[0] else: dimx, dimy = design_matrix.shape ppstring = '/PPheights' for i in range(0, dimy): ppstring += '\t' + '%1.5e' %(1.0) ppstring += '\n' filename = model_name + ".mat" out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) with open(out_file, 'wt') as f: print('/NumWaves\t%d' %dimy, file=f) print('/NumPoints\t%d' %dimx, file=f) print(ppstring, file=f) # print labels for the columns - mainly for double-checking your model col_string = '\n' for col in depatsified_EV_names: col_string = col_string + col + '\t' print(col_string, '\n', file=f) print('/Matrix', file=f) np.savetxt(f, design_matrix, fmt='%1.5e', delimiter='\t') return out_file
[docs]def create_grp_file(design_matrix, grp_file_vector, output_dir, model_name): import os import numpy as np dimx = None dimy = None if len(design_matrix.shape) == 1: dimy = 1 dimx = design_matrix.shape[0] else: dimx, dimy = design_matrix.shape filename = "grouping.grp" grp_file_vector = [int(x) for x in grp_file_vector] out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, model_name + ".grp") with open(out_file, "wt") as f: print('/NumWaves\t1', file=f) print('/NumPoints\t%d\n' %dimx, file=f) print('/Matrix', file=f) np.savetxt(f, grp_file_vector, fmt='%d', delimiter='\t') return out_file
[docs]def create_con_file(con_vecs, con_names, col_names, model_name, current_output, out_dir): import os out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, model_name) + ".con" with open(out_file,'w+') as f: # write header num = 1 for key in con_names: f.write("/ContrastName%s\t%s\n" %(num,key)) num += 1 f.write("/NumWaves\t%d\n" %len(col_names)) f.write("/NumContrasts\t%d\n" %len(con_names)) f.write("/PPheights%s" %create_dummy_string(len(con_vecs))) f.write("/RequiredEffect%s" %create_dummy_string(len(con_vecs))) f.write("\n\n") # print labels for the columns - mainly for double-checking your # model col_string = '\n' for col in col_names: col_string = col_string + col + '\t' print(col_string, '\n', file=f) # write data f.write("/Matrix\n") for vector in con_vecs: for v in vector: f.write("%1.5e\t" %v) f.write("\n") return out_file
[docs]def create_fts_file(ftest_list, con_names, model_name, current_output, out_dir): import os import numpy as np try: print("\nFound f-tests in your model, writing f-tests file " \ "(.fts)..\n") out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, model_name + '.fts') with open(out_file, 'w') as f: print('/NumWaves\t', len(con_names), file=f) print('/NumContrasts\t', len(ftest_list), file=f) # process each f-test ftst = [] for ftest_string in ftest_list: ftest_vector = [] cons_in_ftest = ftest_string.split(",") for con in con_names: if con in cons_in_ftest: ftest_vector.append(1) else: ftest_vector.append(0) ftst.append(ftest_vector) fts_n = np.array(ftst) # print labels for the columns - mainly for double-checking your # model col_string = '\n' for con in con_names: col_string = col_string + con + '\t' print(col_string, '\n', file=f) print('/Matrix', file=f) for i in range(fts_n.shape[0]): print(' '.join(fts_n[i].astype('str')), file=f) except Exception as e: filepath = os.path.join(out_dir, "model_files", current_output, \ model_name + '.fts') errmsg = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: Could not create .fts file for " \ "FLAMEO or write it to disk.\nAttempted filepath: %s\n" \ "Error details: %s\n\n" % (filepath, e) raise Exception(errmsg) return out_file
[docs]def create_con_ftst_file(con_file, model_name, current_output, output_dir, column_names, coding_scheme, group_sep): """ Create the contrasts and fts file """ import os import numpy as np column_names = [x for x in list(column_names) if 'participant_id' not in x] # Read the header of the contrasts file, which should contain the columns # of the design matrix and f-tests (if any) with open(con_file, "r") as f: evs = f.readline() evs = evs.rstrip('\r\n').split(',') if evs[0].strip().lower() != "contrasts": print("Error: first cell in contrasts file should contain " \ "'Contrasts' ") raise Exception # remove "Contrasts" label and replace it with "Intercept" #evs[0] = "Intercept" # Count the number of f tests defined count_ftests = len([ev for ev in evs if "f_test" in ev ]) # Whether any f tests are defined fTest = count_ftests > 0 # Now read the actual contrasts try: contrasts_data = np.genfromtxt(con_file, names=True, delimiter=',', dtype=None) except: print("Error: Could not successfully read in contrast file: ",con_file) raise Exception lst = contrasts_data.tolist() # lst = list of rows of the contrast matrix (each row represents a # contrast, i.e. a name of the contrast, and then coefficients for each of # the design matrix columns, and finally coefficients for each of the # f tests specifying whether this contrast is part of that particular # f test). if isinstance(lst, tuple): lst = [lst] ftst = [] fts_columns = [] contrasts = [] contrast_names = [] length = len(list(lst[0])) for contr in lst: # tp = tuple in the format (contrast_name, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...) # with the zeroes being the vector of contrasts for that contrast # extract the name of the contrast contrast_names.append(contr[0]) # create a list of integers that is the vector for the contrast # ex. [0, 1, 1, 0, ..] con_vector = list(contr)[1:(length-count_ftests)] # fts_vector tells us which f-tests this contrast is a part of. fts_vector = list(contr)[(length-count_ftests):length] fts_columns.append(fts_vector) # add Intercept column if not group_sep: if False: # The following insertion gives an error further down the # line, because this suggests that there will be an intercept # column in the design matrix but such an intercept is never # actually added. if coding_scheme == "Treatment": con_vector.insert(0, 0) elif coding_scheme == "Sum": con_vector.insert(0, 1) contrasts.append(con_vector) # contrast_names = list of the names of the contrasts (not regressors) # contrasts = list of lists with the contrast vectors num_EVs_in_con_file = len(contrasts[0]) contrasts = np.array(contrasts, dtype=np.float16) fts_columns = np.array(fts_columns) # if there are f-tests, create the array for them if fTest: ## TODO: Probably it would be more accurate to check that each ## f test itself contains enough contrasts, rather than whether ## there are in principle enough contrasts to form f tests. if len(contrast_names) < 2: errmsg = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: Not enough contrasts for running " \ "f-tests.\nTip: Do you have only one contrast in your " \ "contrasts file? f-tests require more than one contrast.\n"\ "Either remove the f-tests or include more contrasts.\n\n" raise Exception(errmsg) fts_n = fts_columns.T if len(column_names) != (num_EVs_in_con_file): err_string = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: The number of EVs in your model " \ "design matrix (found in the %s.mat file) does not " \ "match the number of EVs (columns) in your custom " \ "contrasts matrix CSV file.\n\nCustom contrasts matrix "\ "file: %s\n\nNumber of EVs in design matrix: %d\n" \ "Number of EVs in contrasts file: %d\n\nThe column " \ "labels in the design matrix should match those in " \ "your contrasts .CSV file.\nColumn labels in design " \ "matrix:\n%s" % (model_name, con_file, \ len(column_names), num_EVs_in_con_file, \ str(column_names)) #raise Exception(err_string) print(err_string) return None, None for design_mat_col, con_csv_col in zip(column_names, evs[1:]): if con_csv_col not in design_mat_col: errmsg = "\n\n[!] CPAC says: The names of the EVs in your " \ "custom contrasts .csv file do not match the names or " \ "order of the EVs in the design matrix. Please make " \ "sure these are consistent.\nDesign matrix EV columns: "\ "%s\nYour contrasts matrix columns: %s\n\n" \ % (column_names, evs[1:]) print(errmsg) return None, None out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, model_name + '.con') with open(out_file,"wt") as f: idx = 1 pp_str = '/PPheights' re_str = '/RequiredEffect' for name in contrast_names: print('/ContrastName%d' %idx, '\t', name, file=f) pp_str += '\t%1.5e' %(1) re_str += '\t%1.5e' %(1) idx += 1 print('/NumWaves\t', (contrasts.shape)[1], file=f) print('/NumContrasts\t', (contrasts.shape)[0], file=f) print(pp_str, file=f) print(re_str + '\n', file=f) # print labels for the columns - mainly for double-checking your model col_string = '\n' for ev in evs: if "contrast" not in ev and "Contrast" not in ev: col_string = col_string + ev + '\t' print(col_string, '\n', file=f) print('/Matrix', file=f) np.savetxt(f, contrasts, fmt='%1.5e', delimiter='\t') ftest_out_file = None if fTest: print("\nFound f-tests in your model, writing f-tests file (.fts)..\n") ftest_out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, model_name + '.fts') with open(ftest_out_file,"wt") as f: print('/NumWaves\t', (contrasts.shape)[0], file=f) print('/NumContrasts\t', count_ftests, file=f) # print labels for the columns - mainly for double-checking your # model col_string = '\n' for con in contrast_names: col_string = col_string + con + '\t' print(col_string, '\n', file=f) print('/Matrix', file=f) for i in range(fts_n.shape[0]): print(' '.join(fts_n[i].astype('str')), file=f) return out_file, ftest_out_file
[docs]def create_flame_model_files(design_matrix, col_names, contrasts_vectors, contrast_names, custom_contrasts_csv, ftest_list, group_sep, grouping_vector, coding_scheme, model_name, output_measure, output_dir): if contrasts_vectors: con_file = create_con_file(contrasts_vectors, contrast_names, col_names, model_name, output_measure, output_dir) if len(ftest_list) > 0: fts_file = create_fts_file(ftest_list, contrast_names, model_name, output_measure, output_dir) else: fts_file = None elif custom_contrasts_csv: con_file, fts_file = create_con_ftst_file(custom_contrasts_csv, model_name, output_measure, output_dir, col_names, coding_scheme, group_sep) if not con_file: # don't write out the rest of the files if this didn't work out return None, None, None, None mat_file = write_mat_file(design_matrix, output_dir, model_name, col_names, output_measure) grp_file = create_grp_file(design_matrix, grouping_vector, output_dir, model_name) return mat_file, grp_file, con_file, fts_file